Posts: 29
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Birthday: May 13, 2000 (24)

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    • jasontodd427 replied to the thread The Birth of Red Hood.
      I altered the plan and counted this as a restart as well. I am also going to consider the start of the day as the nighttime of the...
    • jasontodd427 replied to the thread The Birth of Red Hood.
      I apparently need to rethink how I'm doing this as my arm is struggling at the moment
    • jasontodd427 replied to the thread The Birth of Red Hood.
      Day 0: Foundation Light: Days 1 & 2 (as warm up and cool down) Zero Hero: Day 1 Day 1: Foundation Light: Days 3 & 4 (as warm up and...
    • jasontodd427 replied to the thread The Birth of Red Hood.
      Well, its been hell lately, lot of trips to the hospital and being advised to rest and recover but I'm going to take the risk and get...
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