AllMadHere's latest activity

  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Still going. Day 16 LIIT Zen
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Yeah, definitely need the stretching.Will be including a program for that in all future routines. Day 15 LIIT Zen
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Oh, knees, I have those. Day 14 LIIT Zen
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Day 13 LIIT Zen Bonus Round: Swim Time
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Let's see if the weather allows me to get in some swim time too. Day 12 LIIT Zen
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Day 11 LIIT Zen Oddly, it's the yoga I build up a swear with most days.
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Weekend off, be sure to keep going. Day 10 LIIT Zen
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Stretch Day 9 LIIT Zen
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Observing that stretches need to be a big parts of my routine. Definitely lost a lot in flexibility during my injury. Day 8 LIIT Zen
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Storm passed, back to normal life. Keep going. Day 7 LIIT Zen
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Work in a hotel. Hurricane leaves you stuck at hotel you work at. Remember hotel also has an indoor pool rarely used by guests. Go...
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Thanks. Not as bad as it was before PT, but still sore in that arm in certain places. the muscles and joints weren't seeing much use...
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    Yoga while staring.out the window at the storm from my room. This seems somehow appropriate. Day 5 LIIT Zen
  • AllMadHere reacted to Lallafa's post in the thread Recovery with Like Like.
    Wishing you a fast recovery. :hug: Injuries are not fun.
  • AllMadHere replied to the thread Recovery.
    This also gives me something to do on a rainy day....or a hurricane. Day 4 LIIT Zen