calendula's latest activity

  • calendula
    calendula reacted to melm's post in the thread The struggle is real with Like Like.
    Sending hugs! I used to see a woman in her 40s in my neighborhood, wearing a house dress, walking to the end of her driveway and back...
  • calendula
    calendula reacted to MsSeana's post in the thread The struggle is real with Like Like.
    You are here. You came here. You reached out. You are brave. I don't have to know you personally to say I'm proud of you for saying the...
  • calendula
    calendula replied to the thread Just the Beginning.
    Double digits! It took me a while to get moving this morning, but I'm feeling better for it. Calves are still sore, but my body feels...
  • calendula
    calendula replied to the thread Stronger everyday.
    Happy Birthday!! :bcake: 10
  • calendula
    calendula replied to the thread Just the Beginning.
    Thank you! :hi: I had to have my photo taken for work today and it was discouraging. When I compare myself to a past work photo I took...
  • calendula
    calendula replied to the thread Just the Beginning.
    Adding another post for today's movement. I'm definitely sore from hiking, but managed to make it through La Sierra. Doing some push-ups...
  • calendula
    calendula reacted to JohnStrong's post in the thread Stronger everyday with Like Like.
    140 push-ups 210 jump squats 280 punches 140 plank crunches Splinter Level 3 defeated! 🥳 splinter
  • calendula
    calendula reacted to JohnStrong's post in the thread Stronger everyday with Like Like.
    Today was my first HIIT workout with timed intervals. It was tough! Nice to not keep track of reps though. I also climbed a mountain...
  • calendula
    calendula replied to the thread Just the Beginning.
    This past year, I was able to arrange my work schedule to have a weekday off every few weeks - the idea was that I could get a training...
    • creek.jpg
  • calendula
    calendula replied to the thread Just the Beginning.
    Considering that today, Total Body is Cardio/HIIT, I thought I'd give myself a break from La Sierra... at least that's the plan for now...
  • calendula
    calendula replied to the thread l'œuvre de kincaju.
    Welcome! Sounds like some great goals and a great plan :proud:
  • calendula
    calendula reacted to UstaTheRaccoon's post in the thread l'œuvre de kincaju with Like Like.
    I've been familiar with the darebee site for a while now, but I've never posted yet So hello world! I'm starting a plank challenge...
  • calendula
    calendula replied to the thread Just the Beginning.
    Got up this morning, rolled out of bed, and crushed La Sierra! I have to say that my heart rate spiked much more this morning. I'm not...
  • calendula
    Day 84 / Sunday 24 March: AM: (10 minutes in total) 1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 24 Adore the Core - Day 24/28 Stretch Project - Day...
  • calendula
    Day 83 / Saturday 23 March: AM: (10 minutes in total) 1 Minute Yoga Challenge - Day 23 Adore the Core - Day 23/28 Stretch Project - Day...