chris ryan

Programs Completed
  1. 1-Minute HIIT
  2. 30 Days of Cardio Blast
  3. 30 Days of Yoga
  4. 30 Days More of Yoga
  5. 60 Days of Cardio
  6. Back and Core
  7. Core Strength
  8. Fireheart
Challenges Completed
  1. 1 Minute Meditation
  2. 1 Minute Plank
  3. 1 Minute Yoga
  4. 30 Days Of Running
  5. 50 Push-Ups
  6. 50 Squats A Day
  7. Salad A Day
  8. Ab Challenge
  9. Cardio And Abs
  10. Cardio And Core
  11. Daily Walk
  12. Endurance
  13. First Thing Water
  14. Flexibility
  15. Good Morning
  16. Kicks And Punches
  17. No Salt
  18. No Sugar
Consecutive Days of Exercise
60 Days