Recent content by colin

  1. colin

    696 Days

    Well done, Dawn!
  2. colin

    90 Days

    Thank you everyone! They are lovely smiles! I've found out that where I live now is quite close to a lot of places where my ancestors lived, so I hope to do some travelling around to take pictures. I'm carrying on much the same. Yesterday was: 3km-ish run. Yoga Intermediate Heart-Opening...
  3. colin

    At the break of dawn

    I love your pictures so much Nancy!
  4. colin

    90 Days

    Thank you again. Still going along on pretty much the same pattern. Next 10k is on May 19th at the end of next week so my running is building up towards that. Final long practice run is on Sunday of 8.something (I can't remember) km. Still cycling up the Montrait Muay Thai 90-day...
  5. colin

    90 Days

    Thank you everyone! I did my 10k today and got a personal best of 49:31. It was a lovely day. A new one for me. I've got another one in three weeks! I'm going to try to get back into the Fighter programme as well, but the focus is still on keeping things sustainable for me (I have overdone...
  6. colin

    90 Days

    Hey hey Bees. I thought I should check in. . . I'm doing OK. I've had time pressures so I'm a bit stripped down and focusing on keeping up the training plan for my first 10k in a couple of weeks and the 90-day challenge from Montrait Muay Thai. I do other things too, including yoga when...
  7. colin

    90 Days

    Hey hey! Thank you for the support. Ups and downs as usual. I've gone a little further through the process of getting an ADHD diagnosis and it's all been a bit of a rollacoaster to be honest. But I'm alive and kicking still. Not the most constant exercising, but I've now finished the...
  8. colin

    A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest

    I forget you lived here too, of course, PSW! My partner and I are just trying to book a holiday in Bretagne. A treat for us!
  9. colin

    A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest

    I think of Life on Mars as being very British, though stories cross boundaries of course.
  10. colin

    Exercising towards a better tomorrow!

    :vibes: Sorry about your recipe! I found one on BBC Food and it was pretty good.
  11. colin

    At the break of dawn

  12. colin

    90 Days

    Thank you Deadoks, Dawn and PSW! Still slightly dodgy in the shoulder but still busy! Monday: 3km run. Day 24 1-minute hit. Yoga. Football - we won! Today: muay thai. Day 25 1 min hiit. Yoga.
  13. colin

    ADD/ADHD and Exercise

    I think there's some good advice in this thread, jcm. I hope you find a way. I do find that the more I exercise the better I am able to cope with my ADD. I started looking for a diagnoses (I had a medical interview today) after talking to a friend of my partner who has recently been diagnosed...
  14. colin

    Quest for Muscle: The Return of the Pump

    Good wishes with your teaching Ox! I bet you'll do great!