Recent content by dadbod_jam

  1. Cardio Trim - mission aborted

    So, I've decided to end my Cardio Trim journey. No full review of the program as I had intended, but it has been a sort of a review hopefully. Cardio Trim does produce results. But I'm probably proof that it isn't for everybody. For me, there was just too much HIIT. I know it's a great way...
  2. Cardio Trim - mission aborted

    14 days completed. Cardio Trim has been good for me. I've lost a few pounds, I feel fitter and stronger, I'm eating better and I'm sleeping better. For all of that though, I just couldn't bring myself to do day 15. Mentally and physically, I just did not want to do the program today. It wasn't...
  3. Cardio Trim - mission aborted

    Day 14 Wasn't so bad at all, except 60 punches non-stop seemed a bit much. It was good to get the work out done straight after work - no time to make excuses. Back to completing to Level 3 :happy:
  4. 90 Days

    Are you like me in that you think 'real football' when typing soccer? :ss: Good luck on hitting your 90 day target! Can I ask, what is the Warrior training plan? I only see individual workouts when I search (as opposed to a program).
  5. Mark the day

    Positive attitude, I love it! Enjoy the journey, @Destro_Asura, wishing you every success with it.
  6. Cardio Trim - mission aborted

    Before starting Cardio Trim, I looked to see if I could find whether somebody had shared their experience of it. I couldn't. That's why I started this thread, I figured somebody else in the future may find it useful. As I've been checking on this thread, I've found myself questioning why I'm...
  7. Cardio Trim - mission aborted

    Before my little report on today's workout, an update on my weight. I had set myself a target of weight coming down from 181lbs to 171lbs. Well, I'm at 178lbs, so there is progress. At that rate, I probably won't hit 171lbs from this program, but it doesn't matter. The bigger target really is to...
  8. Re-Starting Fitness Journey

    I've had struggles with stopping and starting. I'm trying to tell myself not to make excuses and to train no matter how I may feel. Remember, every training session beats doing nothing. You got this Prateek, good programs too. Best of luck!
  9. Cardio Trim - mission aborted

    Day 10 Didn't want to train, but I forced myself. Seven sets again. Last three sets at a very slow pace. All I have to say about day 10: burpees ain't no fun :cry:
  10. The Wonderbunny Playbook

    Looking through threads and finding myself so impressed with how much training people do. I see that you have over 1000 consecutive days training and it looks as though this has continued during a period od building/renovation work. Wow, so inspirational!
  11. Mamatigerj's Journal

    Great work on get to bed on time success. I'm in the grip of mindless TV watching as I type... think I've found the next challenge to take on. :night:
  12. Cardio Trim - mission aborted

    Before I give thoughts on today's workout, I'll just say that my stomach was feeling nice and tight today. I might have struggled yesterday, but I'm feeling the effects today. A nice reminder of why I shouldn't give up. Day 9 Nearly a third of the way there. Tough day again, but aren't they...
  13. Hello I'm Charles and today is my

    My first day posting too Charles. Welcome and I look forward to hearing a fellow newbie progresses. Let us know what workouts/programs you do and how it goes
  14. Cardio Trim - mission aborted

    Hi there and thanks. Hope I don't bore people with my updates!
  15. Cardio Trim - mission aborted

    Day 7 and Day 8 done together Day 7 Ouch! Found 'Hopper' hard. Maybe it was the accumulation of previous days' workouts, but really felt it in calves, hips and worryingly in my achilles. Think I'll ice the achilles and stretch it tonight to be on the safe side. Abs. Either my abs are super...