Canned Food


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 143
"Be Strong - Be Active - Be empowered."
Canned food was very normal living in England, not many had fridges back then. Nowadays frozen is many people choice, still lots in cans.
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New member
Posts: 1
Are you asking or saying ...... old man!!!

It's true that canned food has a long history of being a staple in many households, including those in England.
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Boxer Pronouns: they/them
Posts: 37
"doing grad school and getting buff"
I really like canned beans... canned chicken and fish, too... I guess you could say I have a.... can-do attitude. :LOL:

Puns aside, I really like canned/frozen foods. I think a lot of folks put too much emphasis on "fresh" produce when you can get just as much nutrients elsewhere for cheaper. Eating healthy doesn't have to mean eating expensive!

Okay, I guess I'll hush-up and can it for now. :imp:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 143
"Be Strong - Be Active - Be empowered."
@EnbyFitness 4 cans of red kidney beans = 100g protein.

Rob loves beans . . .
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