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  1. mavie

    To be honest

    It's about time to start a new thread. I was thinking about a fitting title for the past few days and today i found this song among my favorites from the past year and yes, this is it now. Like for many people 2023 was a challenging year for me too. It had high amplitudes, meaning it was great...
  2. mavie

    Body Flow - Timer and EC off

    The Body Flow workout does not have the usual yoga sequence timer and restarting the timer after every position disturbs the flow a bit. And the EC is for sets but there are none.
  3. mavie

    From here onwards…

    So, i got dressed with a new avatar and decided to skip my initial plan and move over here now. There is no point in waiting till after rehab as i can not be sure that everything will be fine by then like i am hoping for. Besides it's a bit lonely over there now. I do not make plans for now...
  4. mavie

    Read/Unread - how to know/see?

    Is it just me (my browser) or is there no way to distinguish which threads i've read or not? I can't see any difference and when i read from the "What's new"-section with the "Show only unread"-filter the threads stay there even after i have read them. I'm a bit lost on this because it was so...