Search results

  1. Germanamazon

    Where to start again

    Ooohh I like that one.
  2. Germanamazon

    Where to start again

    I will NEVER gve up! I am just way too stubborn. :LOL:
  3. Germanamazon

    Where to start again

    Hi bees! I am hoping someone can give me some input. I had to stop strength training due to illness. I have a new diagnosis named Morbus Bechterew (Spinal rheumatism). Now I want to get back to strength and taking care of this physical body that I am starting to love, but I have no freaking...
  4. Germanamazon

    DAREBEE Recipes

    "Sqee" recipies!! Love love love. Thank you! I just opened darebeets and want to try three things already!
  5. Germanamazon

    Infound a workout and have a question

    I can do 3 in good Form and consider it as Level 1. Just like all the workouts here. Think that would fit?
  6. Germanamazon

    Infound a workout and have a question

    Hi darebees, Pinterest is a whole World of info. I found a workout there called wonder woman from My question is, cause there is no other info to find, what Level is it? It's not here or in the archives. Thank you!
  7. Germanamazon

    Push off turns pull through

    Oh dear, I have been slacking. I got sick with a cold at the end of January. I have been back to health for a little over 2 weeks now. I haven't started any new challenges or keeping up with working out. I have not been writing my meal plans. I am not going to put myself down (like I used to)...
  8. Germanamazon

    Push off turns pull through

    I am proud of myself and rightfully so. I have completed my two challenges today, Water First and Power Walk. :LOL: I have caught a case of the sniffles, bad runny stuffed up nose. So I will rest today. Hopefully it won't get worse. I will be looking through darebee for two new challenges...
  9. Germanamazon

    Push off turns pull through

    *sigh* My joints and I are still fighting each other. It hurts to do the bare minimum. Spartan trials have been pausing for almost a week already. I just can't do it right now even though I want to. I will look at other programs with a difficulty of two. I think that will be better for me...
  10. Germanamazon

    Push off turns pull through

    Thank you. It is hard to get rid of, luckly for me I am usually pain free unless it's rainy and wet. It was a long trial and error journey to figure out what to do get this far
  11. Germanamazon

    The Old Hive Online until March

    Oh thank you for the info! I need to get the recipes downloaded asap
  12. Germanamazon

    Push off turns pull through

    Thank you :thanks:
  13. Germanamazon

    Push off turns pull through

    Thank you :thanks:
  14. Germanamazon

    Push off turns pull through

    Today is an Episode day. My rheumatoid is acting up and causing me pain if I so much as want to move, let alone when I move. I have it under good control thanks to nutrition and exercise. The only thing I can't control is the weather. It's been rainy the last three days and cold too. Right now...
  15. Germanamazon

    Push off turns pull through

    Today is halfway mark. Day 15 of my power walk challenge and water first challenge. Amazing. Yesterday was a bad day for me 🙁. My whole body was hurting. It was wet, rainy and cold. Not good for me. Soft tissue rheumatism sucks sometimes. I kept slipping into bad eating habits too. I need a...
  16. Germanamazon

    The Night Shift

    I used to work nights. 19:00-4:00. There are some corner things you need to consider. When do you go to bed after your shift? When do you get up? Do you have family and how much time do you spend with them? When do you have breaks at work, and how long? Using these answers you could get...
  17. Germanamazon

    Push off turns pull through

    Yesterday was a half busy, half lazy day. At the end of the day I clocked over 19000 steps and a total of 1500 calories burned. I loaded chopped wood out of my voyager, did errands on foot, grocery shopped, did more walking errands. By the end of the day I haven't done my power walk challenge...
  18. Germanamazon

    Push off turns pull through

    OMG I am on day 10 of the Power Walk and Water First home challenges! I have never gotten so far on a challenge except the hug yourself one. I am PROUD of MYSELF I have completed day 4 of Spartan Trials. It looks so easy doesn't it? I wasn''t for me. My right side is so wobbely. I think it has...
  19. Germanamazon

    Programming my body

    If your feet slip on the carpet, try doing climbers barefoot. That way you might have more hold
  20. Germanamazon

    Starting New

    Hi and welcome. :approve: