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  1. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    I've been low on updates lately... Ok, lets make it short and sweet. CAPOEIRA I missed capoeira twice because I was either knackered or sick, I still made it twice to the lesson and did my best. It pays off, I got praised in the roda for actually, for once, being able to play properly (I'm...
  2. Nefisa

    Haunted Hive 2023

    100 hops. :chicken:
  3. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    MON 09-10-23 A good night sleep makes wonders. I'm feeling almost fresh and rested this morning (my body is tired, sore and slightly scratched here and there but my mind is fine) AM-- Power Builder #7 : Strength - 3 kg dumbells. Mods : Push-ups on the knees for all the sets. 10- count push-up...
  4. Nefisa

    Steadfast as the Hills of Stone

    Congrats on the Miner! :u:
  5. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    SAT 07-10-23 Saturday was the first day of a capoeira festival in Brussel. It was intense to say the least. 9 am -- Walk - 2,5km/30 min (from the train station to the venue) 10 am -- Maculelê - 1h - It was supposed to be the warm-up lesson. Holy cow... (if you don't know what maculelê is...
  6. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    @Nanna Io Thanks! I'm going really easy on the weights though, it's more for maintenance than actual gain, but I think I've done Ironborn 4 times already, some variety is always welcome! FRI 06-10-23 I was a couch potatoe most of the day, I got a lymphatic drainage at 1pm, then used my...
  7. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    THU 05-10-23 I experienced an intense working day from 8am to 8pm and gave up on capoeira in the evening because going back home at 11pm was asking a bit too much of me. (usually I don't work in the morning) No regrets, there was pizza for dinner, and that's just what I needed. Also, I'm going...
  8. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    WED 04-10-23 Woke up with a dull pain in the left knee, mostly due to capoeira and maybe a badly executed side lunge in Power Builder day 1. Put some ice on it while wondering if it was reasonnable to do the strength day of the program when my phone alarm told me that I had physio this morning...
  9. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    TUE 03-10-23 I wanted to bollywood dance this morning but, energy-wise, I'm feeling like an overcooked spagethi. So I worked on my lacking senses of balance, coordination and proprioception. I didn't break a sweat but it's very challenging. I'll try to work on it more often. AM-- Balance and...
  10. Nefisa

    Mamatigerj's Journal

    Congrats on completing your September challenges! :u:
  11. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    OK, apparently, I did not update for a century. Not that there's much to report. I was ill most of the week. TUE 26-09-23 PM -- Capoeira - Did the stretching and started feeling very hot and breathless. I checked my smart watch and my pulse was over 140 even though I was only working on my...
  12. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    @Zenchan : I'm quite happy with my run, indeed, this ability to speed up was a first. It feels very nice! (and yeah, I don't recommend lymphoedema having it 'under control' takes up a lot of time unfortunately.) Let's update it's been almost a week. WED 20-09-23 Nothing, I was tired. THU...
  13. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    TUE 19-07-23 AM -- Cardio & Coordination: Bollywood Dance (With Deepti), Beginner - 25 minutes PM -- Capoeira Class - Sao Bento - We have a demo and a festival coming up this week, so we reveiwed basic moves and the rest of the lesson was a training roda with restrictive rules "only armada...
  14. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    SUN 17-09-23 PM -- Tendon Strength - Power-Up #1 MON 18-09-23 AM -- Strength - Full Body - Catalyst - 3kg Dumbbells. -- Tendon Strength - Power-Up #2 PM -- Stretching - Tom Merrick 15 min full body mobility -- Tendon Strength - Power-Up #3 On a "health& safety" note, I have...
  15. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    SAT 16-09-23 Rest day. I just went for a short walk around the city center. SUN 17-09-23 I ran the yearly half-marathon of my city. Except that I changed the distance at the last minute for the 12k. My training has been all over the place during the last two month and I really wasn't feeling...
  16. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    FRI 15-09-23 PM -- Slow run - 6 km - 45 min - Easy prep work for the 12k I'm running on Sunday.
  17. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    Thank you @Tileenah @Fremen @Anek ! I did not update here because there wasn't much to report. MON 04-09-23 DOMS from the Sand race, extreme heat, and also, going back to school (I'm the teacher). TUE 05-09-23 DOMS still, extreme heat and general exhaustion, I gave up on the capoeira evening...
  18. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    @Mamatigerj & @Tileenah Thanks.<3 I have a very powerful medicine, takes a few hours to work but then I'm usually free for a day and by then the migraine is gone or on the leave. SUN 03-09-23 -- PM. Running. 10km - 2h30 (yes, yes...) I ran the Sand Race a 10 km obstacle race in Belgium, in a...
  19. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    FRI 01-09-23 Nothing, a mean pre-menstrual migraine appeared. Painkillers, water and rest were in order. SAT 02-09-23 -- PM - Stretching - Spine Mobility
  20. Nefisa

    Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

    THU 31-08-23 -- PM - Capoeira - Sao Bento - 1h30 Stretching Warmup (lots of abs related exercices) Work in lines : Aù / Martelo de chao / combo Meia Lua de Frente-> Aù / Queixada-> Aù Formation : Basic kicks : Martelo / Bençao / Pisao / Queixada / Armada Combo of the Day : Queixada->...