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  1. B3rs3rkPWN

    Checkin with hopes to get more serious on challenges

    Thank you all for the warm welcoming! Today was a good day! :welcome: Morning: Up at 6 ✅ First thing push ups day 3 in one go ✅ A chapter of a book ✅ Worked on my side job ✅ Evening: 100 pushups workout ✅ Burpee king workout ✅
  2. B3rs3rkPWN


    Well, another IT here! I am a QA (by day) and cyber security engineer (the rest of the time). Have awful lot of time sitting and staring at the screen especially with the home office. I also do a lot of teaching during the weekends. I teach penetration testing and do trainings in that field.
  3. B3rs3rkPWN

    Checkin with hopes to get more serious on challenges

    I slept pretty bad this night and missed some of the goals for today, so here’s the checkin Wake up at 6 ❌ slept pretty bad so I woke up at 9 First thing pushup day 1 + 2 ✅ No other workout for the day since I don’t feel rested and tomorrow will be heavy 😁
  4. B3rs3rkPWN

    Checkin with hopes to get more serious on challenges

    Hello there! First timer in the forums, but have been using Darebee for home workout ideas since few years. I used to do martial arts (kyokushin karate) for about 11 years, but had to stop due to injured elbow (5 years later it still hurts when weather changes). Now I am looking to get back in...
  5. B3rs3rkPWN

    What are you currently reading?

    Atomic habits by James Clear. Has really nice tips on forming habits and getting rid of some bad ones