Called Good Mornings For a Reason


New member
from New York
Posts: 2
Maybe five or six years ago I had a nasty lower back injury and it limited a lot of things I used to enjoy especially exercising, riding my bike or even simple things I took for granted such as doing house chores and it was very detrimental on my mental health. I never let the injury take away my fitness though, but after some years of trial and error, I had to find a way to fix the imbalance in my glutes and lower back so I started to do kettlebell swings every morning to improve the imbalance in my lower body. The results were shocking to me because after maybe a few months, everything from my core, legs, and lower back felt as if I never had the injury. I still had to respect my lower back was not the same as it used to be but it was very nice that I can feel confident not having a back episode from picking something up off the floor to moving around in odd angles. This year I wanted to try something different but with the same benefits so I started doing Good Mornings with a broomstick instead of a barbell before work and for the first time it felt like my lower back was 20 years old again from not feeling compressed , walking in a hunch or leaning on a dominant side of my body to avoid pain. Since I’ve been making a habit of those in the past few weeks, I haven’t had one issue with my lower back throughout the day and whoever created that movement I thank you for that because Ive never felt so lively and happy moving around for the rest of the day. Oh and my posture is pristine now so I don’t feel like an old man when I walk.