Hunger cues?


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Posts: 283
"Keep fighting. Fortune will favor the patient and persistent."
There isn’t a good way to ask this and I recognize there may not be an answer in the community, but I have to try after what has happened the last week.

I’ve had trouble with disordered eating for a few years now, and recently that problem has gotten worse with things happening that haven’t before. Since I’m not getting hunger cues and don’t how to spot them, bad things are starting to happen like skipping breakfast…and the body reactions are coming far too late for me to do anything about it.

I have a discovery call with an RD in a few days but doubt I can afford this, so I ask you all: Are there tricks to make yourself eat and gradually bring hunger cues back when eating regularly isn’t happening? Does that make sense to anyone?


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,843
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
I'm no expert, but I think if you're not eating regularly, you're going to have difficulty with hunger cues. In my experience, ignoring them kind of makes them go away, at least for a while. For me, I can't eat late - ie after about 8pm, no matter that I get to bed after midnight. If I do, I certainly won't feel hungry the next morning. A good time for me to eat dinner is around 5:30, and then, come breakfast time, I'll generally feel hungry. Unfortunately, I don't always bother to do anything about it, but that has no detrimental effects for me. If skipping breakfast is not a good thing for you, then you must be disciplined and remember to eat breakfast. Get things ready the night before if you can - set out the table with plate or bowl or whatever. If it's some food you can prepare the night before, do that, so that it's easy for you to get that breakfast inside you. Importantly, make it something you will really enjoy, not just while eating it, but also afterwards.


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 537
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"
Sorry to hear of your difficulties with this. One way to look at your problem might be - how do I do something that is difficult but important for me to do? We know it isn't easy because, if so, you would've already taken care of it.

What helps me do difficult things is to spend time considering why it's important I do them. Get clear on the consequences of doing the thing VS. not doing the thing. Fixing my attention on consequences can sober me up-and-out of the dizzying whirlwind of excuses and distractions I manifest just to avoid doing the hard and important thing.

There's also the baby steps approach. Breaking down something difficult into bite-sized (pun intended) bits 😉


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Shieldmaiden from Germany
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Posts: 515
A but late to answer but having had disordered eating myself I know that three square meals more or less at the same time everyday was crucial for my recovery. Listening to the hunger cues came after, once you have established a proper routine and gotten into regular eating habits again.

I still apply this technique if I feel I am slipping up again, first establish a regular eating pattern, then only once I am stable listen to hunger cues.