Maths Master Maketh The Move


Active member
Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
I finished a few challenges, like walking on the silent hill. A few of them included No Junk Food, First Thing Water, and Only Home Made. This forum gives me a similar atmosphere as I used to have back in early 2000 while surfing the web. I want to make sure that I stay here as long as possible.

I am starting a few new challenges besides regular exercise. The new challenges include Get To Bed On Time, Re-Focus, and Five Minute Plank. I desperately need to refocus on myself and everything else around me. Due to the nature of my work, I lost track of catching Zzzsss on time. It's time to get back on time. In the end, comes the plank. I love to hold a plank, and the Five Minutes Plank challenge will help me to achieve that goal. It'll be 300 seconds in total.

All three challenges will start tomorrow. I'll try my best to log them here daily. Besides the above, I will keep up with a few more exercises like lunges, jumping jacks, and brisk walking.

Whoever is considering or already on the way to finishing these challenges, even one of them, is welcome to get along with me to cheer together.

Meanwhile, stay safe, healthy, positive, and creative!

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Active member
Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
welcome! Good luck with your plans!
Thank you, thank you so much. :yas:
Thank you. :five:

The day 01 has come to an end.
It was all good. I got to bed on time last night, began the plank challenge in the morning, and refocused as much as possible throughout the day. It's really difficult to refocus after every 20 minutes, but there is no way other than doing so. I liked it anyway. Let's see how events unfold in the coming days.

Until the next post stay safe, healthy, positive, and creative!


Active member
Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
Hello and welcome!
Hi Anek. Thank you so much.

Day 03 has come to an end.
The plank and refocus challenge are going well. Unfortunately, I am considering dropping "Sleep On Time" challenge because I cannot sleep on time. I roughly get 2-3 calls and then I need to get on the computer to do things. I need to manage. I really do not want to drop the challenge.
After all, it's a challenge that might improve my bad habit of staying up late and very late... damn so late!!! I really appreciate refocus challenge it helps a lot. I believe Sleep On Time challenge will also help for sure. I might restart next week.

I am doing very well with regular exercises like lunges, plank, and brisk walking. My father says I walk like a camel. I don't know how real it is.

Until the next post stay safe, healthy, positive, and creative!
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Active member
Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
Day 07 has come to an end.
I did not log in during the last 3 days. This doesn't mean I busted the streak. It was all happening well. I couldn't get back here due to work pressure.

Day 04-07: I implemented refocus regularly.
Day 04-05-07: I held the plank according to the Five Minutes Plank challenge. It's still easy for me. Let's see when I reach 2 Minutes on day 13th.
Day 04-05-07: I did regular lunges and side lunges.
Day 04-05: I followed the foundation program.
Day 04-05-07: I did all the exercises in the protagonist workout which covered side lunges itself.

All was good today. I am looking for a nice warm-up routine now. I'll go and dig into workouts. I'll be back and share more.

Until then stay safe, healthy, positive, and creative!



Active member
Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
I have restricted myself to one challenge, as my routine is not letting me to follow a workout schedule. I dislike breaking and changing rules every other day.

I have restarted the 5 Minutes Plank challenge. I can do it daily at the same time.


Active member
Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
I have completed 08 days of the 5 Minutes Plank challenge.

Beside the plank, I have continued brisk walking. I hope to get back to a few more challenges and start the reboot program soon.


Active member
Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
I have reached the 10th day of 5 Minutes Plank challenge.

It looks difficult in the coming days. I am afraid I will not be able to reach 5 minutes. I will fail the challenge again.



Active member
Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
I achieved 2 minutes and 10 seconds of plank hold today.


I reached 14 days of the 5 minutes plank challenge.

Tomorrow is going to be very difficult. It will be 2 minutes and 30 seconds, in total 150 seconds.

I will eat a little lesser tonight and try to do some exercises before holding the plank tomorrow in the morning.

Let's see what happens!


Thank you for the motivation, @Mamatigerj


Active member
Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
Hi, I have come here to tell you that I passed the day 15 of the 5 minutes plank challenge.

I held the plank today for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I made it to 150 seconds for the first time in my life.

It was difficult. I felt sourness below the belly button at 120th second. My legs began shaking at 130th second like I was a turbulent aeroplane myself.

I almost broke at 140th second, but somehow continued to reach 150th second.


I won't reach 165 tomorrow, but I will try.

I need suggestions that help me finish this challenge.




Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
I need suggestions that help me finish this challenge.

Planks are one of those exercises that don't train anything directly, and you can't really train for it.
It is an awesome tool to measure overall fitness and progress, thus you train everything else and your plank times increase too.

Which means I would advise to train everything else... and eventually come back and recheck your plank times.

What to train: Shoulder muscles, back muscles, triceps, biceps, glutes. And of course: core muscles.
You mentioned that your "ab" region started to get sore, the abs are really weak and slim muscles, you can't really train it in isolation, but you can train your overall "core" area (lower back, side etc.) which should help.

Here are a few examples.


Here are a few advanced exercises:
The modified candlestick might be one of the best. (Darebee calls them reverse crunches on picture 2)
I personally really like the Slant Board Situps (with something holding my ankles). (Darebee call them "sit-ups" on picture 2).

Just my two cents.
I might be wrong, I am not a professional.
I hope that helps.
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Active member
Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
Thank you very much for the support @Tileenah @Fremen @Montserrat and @Zenchan

Yesterday I took a rest because of sourness, but today I continued to hold a plank for 60 seconds only. I would repeat before going to bed for 100 seconds.

And of course: core muscles
I am considering Reboot and Back & Core programs to first manage weight and strengthen the core. Weight is the real problem here. Ab Attack workout also looks better than the other two.