November 16:
Morning Routine:
First Thing Water Challenge: Day 6
"Quiet Room" yoga routine*
1-Minute Cardio Challenge: Day 4
1-Minute Plank Challenge: Day 6
1-Minute Yoga Challenge: Day 6
1-Minute Meditation Challenge (modified to 5 min/day): Day 6
* I've decided to put this back on my schedule. For one reason: to follow my own advice and make my first physical work of the day be something I'll get up to do without hesitation, because I actually enjoy it. For another: because I designed it to be wake-up yoga, and it's an excellent routine for me to do to get my body moving again after sleep. And for a third: while I no longer need this song every day to give me strength to face the day, it is still a good reminder. I started doing this practice to this song every morning when things were so bad I felt I was living under siege and hanging on by my fingernails to my sense of self. Now I am free from all of that. But the song is still a good reminder to me of what is important.
I'm sure I've posted it before, but this is the song:
Bonus reason: Santa will be visiting my check-in thread soon, trying to decide what to give me for a workout gift this year. So I figure I'd better start putting some things in my check-in thread that I actually like to do! (Yoga, dancing, running. Plus, of course, nature hikes with my friend Shelby--that's something I've already been doing a lot of lately that I love.)
Le Plat Principal:
Push & Pull (modified to body rows in place of pull-ups): Day 11
Better Arms: Day 11
Flex Hang (modified to active hangs): Day 11
Power Grip: Day 11
2000 One-Legged
Calf Raises*:

- decided to get the other challenges caught up to this one
* I'm repeating this challenge doing one-legged calf raises now. For rep days I will complete the set # of reps on each leg. For hold days I will do 3 x 30 seconds on each leg.
Before Bed Routine:
Daily Kicks Challenge:
Squat Hero Challenge:
Iron Core Challenge:
Glutes of Steel Challenge:
Daily Gratitude Challenge:
I totally did not feel like doing any of this stuff, other than the gratitude, so late in the day. I need to rename/repurpose it to an Evening Routine.

hiking: 7.8 km
So many puppy friends this day! Including meeting the neighbour puppy who lives across the street--a very small dog who was not intimidated by Shelby's size at all. They made fast friends.
got the Secret Santa info posted!
new fiction words: 0
fiction YTD: 143,734
story-a-week challenge: 43 of 52 completed
54 stories in my 54th year challenge: 43 of 54 completed
writing days this week: 4/5
Scheduling Habits:


Consecutive days of working out: 69
Consecutive days of French study: 1461
Consecutive days of following Gaming Rules: 2
Consecutive days of SOOT: 2
Consecutive days of GBOT: 2
But now it's Sunday again. Can I get my story finished today without breaking SOOT or GBOT? Check back tomorrow to find out!
Move-in progress:
Catalogued everything in the Rubbermaid totes I still have not unpacked. An important task because most of this stuff won't ever be unpacked as I don't have anywhere else to store it. Also moved the totes from my dance hall into the guest room to make more room in the dance hall. The guest room just needs to have enough space for guests to sleep in it. But I want to start recording videos of some of DAREBEE's yoga workouts, and I need as much space as possible in my dance hall to do that.
Other wins this day:
I did lots of cooking! Made whole wheat pancakes (with enough batter for at least a couple more days). Had one for breakfast with an apple tossed into the batter. Baked
chocolate orange cranberry scones,
chickpea blondies, and an apple crumble. Washed all of my dishes. (I have an electric dishwasher. But the items that don't go in it had been piling up for a while.) Went to the library. Fetched groceries. Made a semi-homemade pizza for my dinner. (I didn't make the crust. I bought roasted garlic naan breads from the store and dressed one of them with homemade pesto, onion, tomato, shiitake mushrooms, and feta. Yum!) And I cleaned my kitchen floor.
My kitchen is not horrible. It's not. I have definitely seen far, far worse. But the dishwasher is a pain in the arse design that doesn't fit many things in it. The refrigerator is a completely ridiculous choice for the location it's been installed in and also makes very poor use of space. (Do not even get me started on how much I hate the stupid, inconvenient, high-on-energy-use, and too-small bottom freezer!) There is very little cupboard space I can reach without using a ladder. (Fortunately a step ladder is one of the things I did think to take from my parents' house when I left.) And I'm constantly having to shift things around to get anything done in my kitchen at all because there is far, far, far too little counter space. Probably I have been spoiled by having a huge country kitchen for 20+ years before now. (Even my previous house in Wortley Village, which was a small, 2-bedroom house, had a huge kitchen.)
/me sighs.
know these are first world problems. But I still struggle to work in my kitchen because the space is so inconvenient. I have eaten so much takeout and freezer dinners and even store-bought cookies and potato chips for dinner since living here. Blech! So getting this much homemade food prepped, and dealing with the dishes too, was a pretty big win!