Posts: 75
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Currently living in Alexandria, Egypt

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    • Shaarawi replied to the thread New here.
      Wish Best for you and your family
    • Shaarawi replied to the thread Seeking Guidance.
      @Matrix The sign of success is when you start to complaining. Conitune post here until you feel good and workouts becoming daily habit...
    • Welcome to Darebee. As you stated your goal to lose fat and strengthen your core. You need to look for cardio programs with subtitle...
    • Shaarawi replied to the thread Pushups and shoulder issues.
      Do daily pushups try pushups slowly one by one every week increase the number of push by one for example Week 1 one pushup Week2 2...
    • Shaarawi reacted to MRF's post in the thread check mark on pdf. with Like Like.
      Is it possible when we done an exercise (challenge, program and workout) we have check mark on pdf? because its make it easer to find...
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