Posts: 30
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Currently living in NYC
originally from Virginia
Birthday: Apr 26, 1985 (39)

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    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse replied to the thread Hold Myself Accountable.
      Dungeon workout 2-sets with assisted pull-ups = DONE! Felt good to get back after it but wish I had allocated more time to go longer...
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse replied to the thread Hold Myself Accountable.
      Didn’t get a hiking done over the weekend but I did get to walk a pair of dogs twice a day and play in the pool with my daughter...
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse replied to the thread Hold Myself Accountable.
      Cardio Cross+ workout 5-sets = DONE Used 12lbs for dumbbell curls and 5lbs dumbbells for punches. Shoulders are on fire! Didn’t workout...
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse reacted to kalin's post in the thread In the Lion's den with Like Like.
      You are not alone. I have been in those dark places, suffocating with anxiety, fear, stress, sadness... It is possible to feel something...
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse reacted to Matan's post in the thread In the Lion's den with Like Like.
      This is a direct continuation of the thread from"old Hive". I think I'm not quite ready for the "new" new thread.
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse reacted to Versa's post in the thread F*ck your demons - Journal with Like Like.
      What has helped for me is to have a set routine. Run three days per week, workout 2/3 days per week and get up early enough in the...
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse reacted to Scatty's post in the thread F*ck your demons - Journal with Like Like.
      Here I am - once again. So I have a kinda difficulte relatenship with working out. It is quite toxic because over the time I started...
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse replied to the thread Hold Myself Accountable.
      Atlas workout (3-sets while holding 5lbs dumbbells) = DONE Had to cut my workout short this morning but still have a good sweat going...
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse replied to the thread Hold Myself Accountable.
      Bite Me 7-sets in 15 minutes = DONE That was a great workout! I feel great and I got a good sweat going. Going to keep that in the...
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse replied to the thread Hold Myself Accountable.
      Kettlebell (goblet squat and racked squat with lift) 2 sets = Done Feeling drained this morning but glad I got the workout done.
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse reacted to MadamMeow's post in the thread Kitten On The Prowl with Like Like.
      Hello bees! Finally making my own check in thread. :move: I am MadamMeow. I am 42, married, no kids. I have been doing office work...
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse replied to the thread Hold Myself Accountable.
      Wow that’s a hard workout! = 1 set with a 9 pound medicine ball. Free weights Done
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse replied to the thread Hold Myself Accountable.
      Thank you! It’s the first place I’ve ever owned so I figured I should take advantage of the gym while I can.
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse reacted to MadamMeow's post in the thread Hold Myself Accountable with Like Like.
      Congrats for the new apartment, really cool it has a home gym! :)
    • ajkrouse
      ajkrouse reacted to neilarey's post in the thread Hold Myself Accountable with Like Like.
      Happy Birthday!
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