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    • broli
      broli reacted to Fremen's post in the thread Chair Yoga with Like Like. This is...
    • broli
      broli replied to the thread Chair Yoga.
      I know about this You can search "chair" and select yoga in...
    • broli
      broli replied to the thread Posture program.
      Posture workouts:
    • broli
      broli replied to the thread PPL Gym Workout.
      Check the programs and workout e.g. And check the PPL training...
    • broli
      broli reacted to Damer's post in the thread Goliath workout EC/description with Like Like.
      @broli I see what you mean (and I am sorry about replying so late, we're a little hammered for time at the moment). When you add extra...
    • broli
      broli replied to the thread Goliath workout EC/description.
    • broli
      broli reacted to Shaarawi's post in the thread Alpha Team workout with Like Like.
      Plus means as your wish and based on your capabilities
    • broli
      broli replied to the thread Alpha Team workout.
      First time that I see it. When I do WOs I allow myself to do more reps or seconds whenever I want. I wonder if there is some special...
    • broli
      broli reacted to neilarey's post in the thread Alpha Team workout with Like Like.
      Hi @broli yes, that's exactly right :LOL:
    • broli
      broli reacted to Shikari's post in the thread Alpha Team workout with Like Like.
      Yes. 5 or more pull ups. 15 or more diver push ups.
    • broli
      Alpha Team First exercise is "5+" reps and last is "15+". Does that mean that you need to do at least 5 and 15 reps?
    • broli
      broli replied to the thread Goliath workout EC/description.
    • broli
      broli replied to the thread Posture workout.
      I wonder if maybe before it was called "stand tall" before. And don't you write workout in one word in this case?
    • broli
      broli reacted to NancyTree's post in the thread Posture workout with Like Like.
      In the Posture workout you get EC for 30 sec rest between sets, while it seems to have only 1 set. Are the sets missing or should the EC...
    • broli The description states: But it is a WO not a program.
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