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Currently living in 'MURRCA
Birthday: March 5
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    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      1,153 - Walker workout, calf raises, and 50 back leg raises! 543 - cheel. we cheeling (AT WORK) ZORO WORKOUT - Chest and back light...
    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      @MadamMeow MOAR GLITTER 1,152 - Some high knees and calf raises! 542 - My need for deep breathing/meditation today tells me that I...
    • f1shie
      f1shie reacted to MadamMeow's post in the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues with Love Love.
      Glitter FTW! And bath bombs are the best. :)
    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      1,151 - Easy cardio day 26! 541 - Work required that I sit back and meditate occasionally. No one told me to do it but myself, I just...
    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      1,150 - WHEW I AM SORE. But I did some calf raises and some squats! 540 - Oh God I needed the lil' meditation sessions today I have...
    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      1,149 - I WALKED A LOT. I went to the ren faire and it was constant walking. I also had my shoulder armor on my left shoulder so... Does...
    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      1,148 - I took a nice walk today and explored around the pond area to see if I could find some frogs. The only frog I saw was from the...
    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      1,147 - Walker and easy cardio day 25! 537 - PPHEEEEEEEEEEEW WE MEDITATIN ZORO WORKOUT - 60 second scissor chops! Good thing -...
    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      You both are blessings in this world and I love you both. Can't wait for that delicious peace of mind. 1,146 - Walker and easy cardio...
    • f1shie
      f1shie reacted to MadamMeow's post in the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues with Love Love.
      Sorry to hear you have to go through all of that, but really hoping that if you do, it ends up being helpful for you or even better a...
    • f1shie
      f1shie reacted to Maegaranthelas's post in the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues with Love Love.
      Movement and doctor combo, that's the bestest! But yeah, medical stuff can move at a glacial pace sometimes. I hope that some more...
    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      @Maegaranthelas Ginger is one of God's greatest gifts. Absolutely LOVE that stuff. And you're a sweetie. I'm talking to my doctor defo...
    • f1shie
      f1shie reacted to Maegaranthelas's post in the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues with Love Love.
      I'm lucky enough not to have needed a colonoscopy yet, but I do get 'intestinal dismotility', where your insides just kinda don't move...
    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      1,144 - Easy cardio day 22, and I did this! So I need to really... Do better for...
    • f1shie
      f1shie replied to the thread The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues.
      1,143 - Easy cardio day 21! 533 - Bits and pieces of meditation here and there, happy I don't need to be guided into it as much. ZORO...
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