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Currently living in St. Cloud, MN

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    • wjs
      Busy day for a freezing cold Monday. That probably had something to do with it being President's Day here in the US. Still, freakishly...
    • wjs
      wjs replied to the thread 696 Days.
      It's called "After Breakfast", it doesn't say how long after breakfast...
    • wjs
      Day off. Thankfully, my staff member was apparently better today. Next Sunday, however, is inventory, which means working out early...
    • wjs
      I went to work. I opened. I spent about seven and a half hours there. I left work. There was an emergency situation with a staff member...
    • wjs
      Work was busy. I painted some minis after I clocked out for the day. The end. The workout: Thirty Knee-to-Elbow Crunches Re:Center...
    • wjs
      Definitely losing two members of my staff. The best two. One in just under two weeks, the other... well, I'm not sure because it depends...
    • wjs
      The workout: Twenty-Six Knee-to-Elbow Crunches Re:Center Challenge Day 13, three sets of twenty-eight Side Leg Raises with thirty...
    • wjs
      Another day of struggle. I have one of my top performing staff members leaving in about two weeks and the other who could potentially be...
    • wjs
      Everything feels so off and I feel like I'm struggling to do anything right. I know I'm my own harshest critic, so this is probably just...
    • wjs
      wjs replied to the thread Neila's Journal.
      You're welcome. While I'm here, I am another vote in the "I enjoy reading your log, but if it's negatively affecting you, please stop"...
    • wjs
      Day off. Slept in. I was out of sorts all day because of that, but thankfully I wasn't needed for anything more important than a workout...
    • wjs
      Ugh. It was a weird day. Simultaneously busy and not, which kept me from getting any important work done at the store. Also the second...
    • wjs
      Sick employee today with food poisoning and no one to cover. That meant an extra two hours of floor time with no help. I survived, but...
    • wjs
      wjs replied to the thread Neila's Journal.
      I am sure for many people, yours already is a dream body.
    • wjs
      Day off. Taxes? Done. Well, done-ish. I brought an incorrect item of paperwork. Conveniently I was able to email it to my tax preparer...
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