Since I made a post about this today on my thread, I supposed I might make one here.
Note - I don't know if I fit into a category here. So if this just sounds like a weird personality thing... Oh well.
I've decided to talk about this on my thread today because I feel it's a major cause of my ...ah... Issues... With my body image and my disordered eating habits. And I've never told this to anyone, but it feels safer to say it over a phone than it does in person.
I'm female, but I have a masculine side...if that makes sense. And I have periods where the masculine side is more dominant than the feminine one (lol, like 50% of my life). In those periods it's usually when I hate my body. Like fiercely. Because it's soft. Maybe that's odd, I don't know. And I go through weird cycles of exercising to exhaustion or not wanting to eat because I just want the softness gone - like NOW.
Yet I'm more attracted to males than females... But I want to be a male at times. And the only means of me expressing that is by reading/writing through the eyes of a male, or strength training because I can kind of close my eyes and imagine that my muscles are bigger than they are. Or weird stupid stuff like cutting my nails really short. I've had a short boy cut of hair for most of my life until I got married.
I kind of made a stupid joke and said that fitness can absolutely take my boobs away. I really don't mind.
Anyhoo. There's nothing I can do about it. Ever. Which is very frustrating.
I don't even know if this fits in here. But ya'll are rainbows and nice, so. There you are. I've never actually looked at the labels. I kind of also feel that they don't matter. So I have no idea what the heck I'd identify as.