Why do you exercise?


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Boxer Pronouns: they/them
Posts: 37
"doing grad school and getting buff"
Heyyyy it's been a while.

I'm still playing with ADHD meds, fell off exercise for a bit (my heart was racing? I'm on a different medication now lol), got back on it, and in the process realized daily check-ins weren't really my thing. But I still exercise everyday: I'm working through the Epic Arms challenge in the morning and the Zero Hero program at night.

Why do I do that?

Well, I'm studying to be a social worker and my internship is with a national suicide and crisis hot line. Between homework and taking calls, I started sitting down... a lot. Exercise not only gives me a break from sitting, but it's also a way for me to take care of myself after I've taken care of others all day. It helps me a chance both to process and to get away from some heavy social work stuff. It's also extremely good for managing my ADHD.

So, my question for the community is: What got you into exercise? And what motivates you to continue?


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 532
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"
What a great question! I think I've been waiting for someone to come along and ask it :)

I exercise because:
  1. I am @JohnStrong and I exercise every day
  2. I need to rehabilitate my body from years of sitting (I think of myself as being in rehab)
  3. I want to strengthen my body and expand it's range of motion so it's capable of more (more options = more freedom)
  4. I want to be a positive role model for my children and teach them good physical and mental health habits
  5. I want to be better attuned to reality by a) giving my mind a rest and, b) engaging in simple physical activity that gives me instant feedback
  6. I want to maximize the quality of my time remaining in my body by maximizing my well-being (also make Death really work for it)
  7. I want to honor my body which is a gift from God


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,818
Because it makes me feel good.
Because it is part of keeping myself in shape despite / with heart problem and other problems.
Because it is fun, here, on Darebee.
And finally, as a kind of thumbing my nose to fate that gave me a body with those heallth issues ;) You thought it'd slow me, Fate? Nanana na nere!


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Paladin from Texas, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 155
"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
1) Pain relief/management. Keeping my muscles flexible and strong keeps my assorted joints from complaining quite as loudly as they would otherwise.
2) My job. I love my job, and it is very physical. Exercise outside of work makes it easier for me to do what I love, and it makes it less likely that I'll pull or twist something at work.
3) Anxiety management. The feel-good chemicals are real. :LOL:
4) This one is a little weird: I think of myself as someone who exercises, if that make sense. Like, when I think about the life I want and what I would do with unlimited time/energy/money, it always includes exercise (4 days a week in my own home gym - my daydreams get very specific sometimes :imp:). So I try to incorporate that 'who I want to be' into my life now, as much as I can.