Recovery, says it all


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 140
Sunday, July 7
- arms-and-chest-stretch
- Arms of Steel, chair edition Day 6

Day 61 is done. I have a lot to do to be ready to leave on a trip tomorrow. So, no more workouts today. I have a plan to continue with Arms of Steel while traveling, but time will tell. I won't worry about the streak if I can at least follow through most days.

Day 6, of Arms of Steel was a perfect reminder of why I am making such a big deal of doing my workouts every morning. After all, I'm only doing the easiest programs in the Darebee collection. I'm not exactly getting in shape, losing weight or building muscle. Today Arms of Steel had me holding my arms up above my head and clenching/unclenching my fists for a minute. Easy. However, I had to do it for three sets! It's tiring, uncomfortable and extremely tedious. Remembering back to the time I did programs like Age of Pandora, and stood my ground during snowball fights, I found burpees to be tiring, uncomfortable and extremely tedious. I'm conditioning myself to tiring, uncomfortable and extremely tedious workouts.


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 140
Monday, July 8
- Neck and Shoulders
- Arms of Steel, chair edition Day 7

Tuesday, July 9
- Neck Mobility
- Reset Stretch
- Arms of Steel, chair edition Day 8

I made it through the long travel day. It logs as two days, I lost half a day to crossing time zones. I completed my workouts for both days.


I’m currently in Munich. Not for football. I’m headed to a friend’s birthday party in a town southwest of the city. I literally walked out of the Mareinplatz station into a crowd of Spanish fans. As soon as I was clear of them I turned to snap a picture. The Spanish fans are gathering just past the umbrellas.
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Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 140
Friday, July 12
- Stretched
- Arms of Steel, chair edition Day 11

Today is the day of the big birthday party. I have a free morning as people around me do their last minute preparations. I’m free until the afternoon for setup at the venue.

Thought about using the time to do an extra workout. Checked the Exercise of the Day and It was burpees. I laughed and poured another cup of coffee.

I bought a few groceries at the little store here in Aitrang to make a pasta and vegetable dish for lunch. Bread and salad have been the only vegan option since leaving Munich.


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 140
Saturday, July 27
- Morning Upperbody Stretch
- Arms of Steel, chair edition Day 22

Sunday, July 28


Monday, July 29
- Seated Stretching
- Arms of Steel, chair edition Day 23

I’m home from my travels. I’m exhausted and have a cold. Lucky me has nothing I need to do except recover. It might take a few days. :deepsleep:

Sunday was a travel day. I was at the security line in Amsterdam by 6:00. I had a little over an hour before boarding, grabbed a cup of coffee. Landed 10 hours later and a lot of walking through passport control and the airport. Lines were short at both ends. I had no time in the morning and no energy in the afternoon for a workout. I did get right back into it this morning.


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 140
Thank you @PetiteSheWolf. The flight home was easy compared to the flight to Europe. That went through Detroit, took many more hours and dumped me in Munich at 9:00. This was one direct flight over the pole (really it was Greenland), no changing planes or running through airports. Local time, I landed just 90 minutes after I took off. :D


Then there is someone still a little annoyed that I would go somewhere without her. She keeps swiping my chair when I stand up. I think she’s happy to see me. :no:
I don't believe her. :LOL:


Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 140
Thanks, @PetiteSheWolf! I hope I'm really back-back this time.

I did finish Arms of Steel, chair edition on 8 August, before it became the new Arms of Steel, seated. Hip pain got the best of me, even sitting at the computer became uncomfortable. I went into hibernation before having my right hip replacement.

I'm now two weeks post-surgery. Time to come out of hibernation and get moving again. My intention is to start Vitality, adding it to my PT exercises. I did the same thing with Recovery after having my left hip replaced in April. The combination worked well for me. I'm looking forward to being pain free.

It's late in the afternoon now, I choose to start tomorrow morning.

Tuesday Sept. 17
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) - done