supplements what and when?


Active member
Jedi from United States
Posts: 32
"May The Force Be With You!"
Not sure what I should adjust/add to this but here are my daily supplements list and schedule
I'm approaching my mid 40's I am 140 lb and 5' 10'' trying to reach 155 lb on a 6 meals a day no sugar, low carbs diet, 100 Grams of protein daily

every day I take opti-men multivitamins with meals (3 times) and in the mornings 5-6 omega-3 pills
pre workout 5-10 g (BCAA) with 5g Glutamine
post workout a fruit with a protein shake
before bed time casein shake

My question is should I tweak anything about my supplements or when to take them? is there any need to add other type of supplements? I am trying to train 7 days a week, but sometimes I only train 5-6 days a week, can I take the glutamine if I am not training that day?


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Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 672
"So sleepy!"
I used to be big into relying on supplements. I took the same stuff you're taking now in my quest to bulk up and increase my lifts.

Thing is, supplements are exactly that; they should not replace your calories for the day, and are only there to add to your intake if you're not getting enough calories/nutrients from your meals.

I'd say what you're taking is fine; the multivitamins are great, and so long as you space your proteins out, you'll be fine. I would worry more about your meals for the day; you are quite light in weight for your height (contrast with myself, I'm 5'6'' and 173 lbs). So the question is, are you eating enough on a day to day basis? And what sorts of exercise are you doing? Weight training would be helpful (I'm guessing you're doing this).

Hope this helps.


New member
Posts: 3
From my experience, adjusting supplements is often about how your body responds. Since you're training hard, consider adding a post-workout creatine supplement—it can really boost muscle recovery and strength. As for glutamine on rest days, it's perfectly fine to continue taking it; it supports muscle recovery regardless of training frequency. I've also found SARMS from Mexico on to be beneficial for maintaining muscle mass during intense training phases. Keep up the good work and listen to your body—it knows best!
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