Thank you for the congratulations!! And happy new years to everyone!
January 1
Hero's Journey Program - Day 1 - Level 1 - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 1 - ✔
The climbers were definitely the toughest part for me and I had to split those ones up more than the others!
January 2
Hero's Journey Program - Day 2 - Minded my own business! - Level 1 - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 2 - ✔
Bonus - Exercise of the Day - 30 side leg raises - ✔
The half jacks were deceptive because they definitely caused me to work up more of a sweat than I expected, but 60 per set was the perfect number to push myself without overexerting myself I think!
January 3
Hero's Journey Program - Day 3 - Ribbon (Martial Arts Practice) - ✔
Hero's Journey Program - Day 5 - Level 1 - Keep the dragon egg - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 5 - ✔
Bonus - 150 punches w/3lb weights - ✔
My first time doing punches with weights and even though it was just three pounds it was more difficult than I expected! Definitely want to keep using them in the future though-!
Hero's Journey Program - Day 6 - Level 1 + Ribbon (Martial Arts) - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 6 - ✔
Bonus - Exercise of the Day - 50 single leg hops (per leg) - ✔
Definitely worked up a sweat today! Also, "push ups to failure" for me meant ~10 pushups, but that's way more pushups than I could've done in a row even a couple of months ago, so I'm counting it as a win - lol!
Hero's Journey Program - Day 7 - Level 1 + 1 set for Day 2 Karma! - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 7 - ✔
Accidentally did plank walkouts for the first set in Hero's Journey, but made up for it with the "karma" from Day 2's decision I think
January 8
Hero's Journey Program - Day 8 - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 8 - ✔
Ended up doing a one-minute wall sit instead-!
January 9
Hero's Journey Program - Day 9 - Clear the bridge (not in one jump) - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 9 - ✔
Exercise of the Day - 30 twists - ✔
January 10
Hero's Journey Program - Day 10 - Level 1 + Ribbon (Martial Arts) - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 10 - ✔
Bonus - 100 punches - ✔
January 11
Hero's Journey Program - Day 11 - "Imgonnadie" + 200 skips karma - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 11 - ✔
Exercise of the Day - 40 W Extensions - ✔
Bonus - 2 minutes punches and kicks (2 sets) - ✔
Honestly the Hero's Journey set I chose was a good warm up exercise for kickboxing/martial arts I think! So maybe will keep that in mind for the future
Hero's Journey Program - Day 13 - Level 1 + Ribbon (Martial Arts) - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 13 - ✔
Exercise of the Day - 50 high knees - ✔
January 14
Hero's Journey Program - Day 14 - Level 2! - ✔
1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 14 - ✔
I also did today's (Day 14) Hero's Journey set with three-pound weights and the non stop movement made it a good exercise for sure, maybe one to bookmark and comeback to again in the future-!