Greetings and welcome.
Where are you on your fitness journey? Are you currently doing any particular exercise or have you done anything in the past? If it's been a while, you might like to start with a program such as
If, however, you're up to something a little more challenging, but not overly taxing, given you have dumbbells and an elliptical, you might like to try a programme such as
Pathfinder+ Things aren't written in stone here, and if you wanted to use the elliptical on days when a run is suggested, you are quite free to substitute that.
Bear in mind that losing weight is highly dependent on your diet. Strength training is great and highly recommended, but that alone will not really help you lose much weight. There are some Guides you might like to read, such as
this one.
If you have any other questions, ask them. Someone here will always be willing to help.