Getting Started


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Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,539
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
Thank you for the congratulations!! And happy new years to everyone! :tuzki-love:

January 1
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 1 - Level 1 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 1 -
The climbers were definitely the toughest part for me and I had to split those ones up more than the others!

January 2
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 2 - Minded my own business! - Level 1 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 2 -
  • Bonus - Exercise of the Day - 30 side leg raises -
The half jacks were deceptive because they definitely caused me to work up more of a sweat than I expected, but 60 per set was the perfect number to push myself without overexerting myself I think!

January 3
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 3 - Ribbon (Martial Arts Practice) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 3 -


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
January 4
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 4 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 4 -

January 5
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 5 - Level 1 - Keep the dragon egg :) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 5 -
  • Bonus - 150 punches w/3lb weights -
My first time doing punches with weights and even though it was just three pounds it was more difficult than I expected! Definitely want to keep using them in the future though-!


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
January 6
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 6 - Level 1 + Ribbon (Martial Arts) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 6 -
  • Bonus - Exercise of the Day - 50 single leg hops (per leg) -
Definitely worked up a sweat today! Also, "push ups to failure" for me meant ~10 pushups, but that's way more pushups than I could've done in a row even a couple of months ago, so I'm counting it as a win - lol!


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
Catching up with my updates!

January 7
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 7 - Level 1 + 1 set for Day 2 Karma! -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 7 -
Accidentally did plank walkouts for the first set in Hero's Journey, but made up for it with the "karma" from Day 2's decision I think :)

January 8
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 8 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 8 -
Ended up doing a one-minute wall sit instead-!

January 9
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 9 - Clear the bridge (not in one jump) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 9 -
  • Exercise of the Day - 30 twists -
January 10
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 10 - Level 1 + Ribbon (Martial Arts) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 10 -
  • Bonus - 100 punches -
January 11
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 11 - "Imgonnadie" + 200 skips karma :) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 11 -
  • Exercise of the Day - 40 W Extensions -
  • Bonus - 2 minutes punches and kicks (2 sets) -
Honestly the Hero's Journey set I chose was a good warm up exercise for kickboxing/martial arts I think! So maybe will keep that in mind for the future :)


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
January 12
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 12-
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 12 -
January 13
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 13 - Level 1 + Ribbon (Martial Arts) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 13 -
  • Exercise of the Day - 50 high knees -
January 14
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 14 - Level 2! -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 14 -
I also did today's (Day 14) Hero's Journey set with three-pound weights and the non stop movement made it a good exercise for sure, maybe one to bookmark and comeback to again in the future-!


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
January 15
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 15 (5 sets only)-
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 15 -
  • Exercise of the Day - 30 Reverse Plank Kicks (per leg) -
January 16
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 16 - Level 1 + Ribbon (Martial Arts) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 16 -
  • Workout of the Day - Limitless -
January 17
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 17 - Level 1 + Ribbon/Martial Arts Practice -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 17 -

The "Ribbon" challenge for today (Day 17)'s Hero's Journey was brutal! I started struggling about 6 sets in but happy I completed all of them :)


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
January 18
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 18- Level 2/"Catch Two"
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 18 -
My notes from this day say that I struggled with the climbers,as I usually do, LOL. I think when I work more on planks and push ups, climbers will be "easier" for me.

January 19
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 19 - Level 2 (7 sets) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 19 -
  • Bonus Quest (Hero's Journey) 1,000/1,000 extra punches - did some of these with three pound weights again -
January 20
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 20 - Level 1 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 20 -
January 21
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 21 - Level 1 + Ribbon (Martial Arts) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 21 -
January 22
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 22 - Level 1 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 22 -
Once again struggled with core workout stuff - ack!


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
January 23
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 23 - 5 sets and bonus quest achieved! -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 23 -
January 24
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 24 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 24 -
Was proud of myself for hitting the "bonus quest" goal on all five sets of Hero's Journey Day 23 (achieving 90 high knees in one minute)! But struggled a bit with core stuff again today... I'll get there...! :')


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
January 25
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 25 - Level 1 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 25 -
  • Exercise of the Day - 30 seconds elbow plank hold - ✔
January 26
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 26 - Level 1 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 26 -
January 27
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 27 - All seven sets done -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 27 -
I did six of the first seven sets (fighting practice/fighting off "assassins") with three-pound weights and it really is wild how much faster my punches get after training with weights! Also, discovered the joys of listening to "castle rave music" (yes, it's a thing) while working out and honestly glowing reviews on that from me.

I haven't done today (January 28) workout yet but will do that before I go to sleep-!


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
January 28
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 28 - Level 1 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 28 -
January 29
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 29 - Level 1 + Ribbon (Martial Arts practice) -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 29 -
January 30
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 30 - Level 1 -
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge - Day 30 -
1,000 Squats Challenge Completed!
January 31

  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 31 - Level 1/40% Saved -
Began 1,000 Calf Raises Challenge!
February 1

  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 32 -
  • 1,000 Calf Raises Challenge - Day 1 -
  • Exercise of the Day - 50 butt kicks -
Last edited:


Active member
Honeybee Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 44
February 2
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 33 - Sets of half jacks and push ups (Level 1) + Ribbon -
  • 1,000 Calf Raises Challenge - Day 2 -
The sets were surprisingly brutal, considering I opted for the non-5k option, but I worked up a good sweat!

February 3
  • Hero's Journey Program - Day 34 - 400 slow climbers (Level 1)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises Challenge - Day 3 -
  • Exercise of the Day - 40 bounces -
And again, the slow climbers were deceptively difficult but I loved the challenge and how it integrates into the RPG format!