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  1. Menachem79

    Muscle map

    Why not have a muscle map where one can click on a muscle/muscle group and a list of workouts/programs would load?
  2. Menachem79

    Simple goal for a simple man

    I’m not one to constantly update, so I plan to update monthly. I started the Foundation program in July and the Core Strength add-on in August. This month I will be completing level 2 of Foundation and with some trouble level 1 of Core Strength. My overall goal is to improve muscle...
  3. Menachem79

    Slip on trainers/sneakers

    I’m thinking of getting a pair of slip on trainers/sneakers. I basically just do indoor body exercises on carpeted floor. What are some attributes I should consider before getting a pair?
  4. Menachem79

    Looking Ahead - Upper body recommendation

    Currently I am doing the Foundation program and Core Strength add-on program and I am looking to add some sort of upper body workout (particularly chest). I don’t have nor am I looking to get equipment. The only program I found for upper body with no equipment is Arms of Steel. Does anyone...
  5. Menachem79

    Breathing tip for Core Strength Program

    I would like some breathing tips for exercises in the plank position. I find that I tense up my abs and I can’t breathe in effectively. By the end of the set I’m catching my breath. Day 14 was an eye opener for me. I had to cut the reps in half due to breathing.