Are we losing DAREBEE?


from Texas
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 10
I'm learning the website and reading everything about it. While scrolling, I found the Funds level and read the article that explains the levels. By my understanding, DAREBEE is using it's emergency funds to operate the website. Which means that if those emergency funds are over, DAREBEE might be shutdown. I'm starting to love this website and I don't want to lose it.

Is this really going to happen? :(


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 581
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Hi @nutellasushi The short answer is: no. So don't worry, we are not going away any time soon. Not in a near future, anyway. We have contingencies on top of contingencies in place.

That said, yeah, we've been hanging by a thread for a couple of years now. Everyone, globally, is struggling so all resources and charities that rely on donations are scraping at the bottom of the barrel these days, and so are we. When you can't afford food or heat your house, donating to a fitness resource is the last thing you will consider, naturally. We see this as a rough patch, something we just have to survive through. It doesn't help that all our expenses have gone up by ~30%. Despite that, however small, donations to DAREBEE trickle in throughout the month so according to our projections, we will be OK. A lot of people use this resource (~500,000 monthly) we are not dropping in terms of how many people come here, but fewer people can donate currently, and that's just the state of the world right now. We've temporarily cut back on quite a few things we do here without compromising on quality and overall experience and that will also help. Bad times can't last forever :happy: So we remain optimistic.


from Texas
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 10
Hi @nutellasushi The short answer is: no. So don't worry, we are not going away any time soon. Not in a near future, anyway. We have contingencies on top of contingencies in place.

That said, yeah, we've been hanging by a thread for a couple of years now. Everyone, globally, is struggling so all resources and charities that rely on donations are scraping at the bottom of the barrel these days, and so are we. When you can't afford food or heat your house, donating to a fitness resource is the last thing you will consider, naturally. We see this as a rough patch, something we just have to survive through. It doesn't help that all our expenses have gone up by ~30%. Despite that, however small, donations to DAREBEE trickle in throughout the month so according to our projections, we will be OK. A lot of people use this resource (~500,000 monthly) we are not dropping in terms of how many people come here, but fewer people can donate currently, and that's just the state of the world right now. We've temporarily cut back on quite a few things we do here without compromising on quality and overall experience and that will also help. Bad times can't last forever :happy: So we remain optimistic.
Thank you so much! That makes me feel a lot better about this.