First Pullup Workout/Program/Challenge?


Well-known member
from Hutchinson, KS
Posts: 91
"Progress, not perfection"
Hello, I looked for something like this but didn't find it. I'd like to suggest anything that would help someone get to the point where they can do their first pull up.

What I'd really love to see is a workout that helps prime the muscles required to do a pullup which could lead into either a program or a challenge where progress can be incrementally made to achieve one's first pullup. For instance, it starts off with dead hangs, progresses to hangs with a pull hold (attempting to lift oneself up and holding it), then to reverse pull ups (getting to the top of the bar assisted then slowly lowering down), and finally, to the first pullup!

What do you think? :please:

Henry (thinman)

Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 152
"Be Strong - Be Active - Be empowered."
Not long ago I could do 1 good pull-up the then struggle trying. I kept at it and now do 3 sets of 5 and sometimes max at a set of 10 - 12. Just keep at it.:bigyes:


Well-known member
Posts: 1,218
Here are a few pre-first-pull-up options:



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Boxer Pronouns: they/them
Posts: 40
"doing grad school and getting buff"
I really like the idea of a program that gets you there. When I try to do a pull-up… I cannot move. All the challenges are great ways to start, but a program that requires you to do a wider variety of exercises to help you achieve this goal would also be a great help (and maybe a bit less intimidating, too).

I love the idea @angeleyz21! :approve: