Milk alternatives


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Witcher Posts: 68
"The truest SUCCESS is but the development of self."
I sometimes buy Soy Milk unsweetened, but none was in the shop so bought Almond & Cashew Milk, Unsweetened which has pea protein in it to make 8g protein a cup. I also fairly often buy Soy Milk, Dark Chocolate coz I like the dark choc.
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Amazon from Miami, FL
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"Mantra: I am ready to make my dreams come true and create my happy place."
I haven’t found a milk alternative for my coffee, oat milk is ok but not satisfying but maybe I just need to get used to it.


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Amazon from Miami, FL
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"Mantra: I am ready to make my dreams come true and create my happy place."
I can drink tea without anything, especially peppermint tea and green tea infused with fruit, I’ve tried black coffee but I couldn’t do it, I used to drink coladas when I worked at the courthouse, which is a very strong espresso and lots of sugar you drink it from tiny plastic shot glasses, I loved it🤤, but alas diabetes 😭 I've more or less given it up I only have it like once or twice a week now.


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Alchemist Posts: 38
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
I don't find milk alternatives useful for me, so I choose regular milk over anything else. I am not into coffee and milk tea anymore. It's just green tea.


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Amazon from Miami, FL
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"Mantra: I am ready to make my dreams come true and create my happy place."
I don't find milk alternatives useful for me, so I choose regular milk over anything else. I am not into coffee and milk tea anymore. It's just green tea.
I never tried milk with tea, tea just seems to light for milk, I do use some pure maple syrup sometimes when I’m feeling a sweet tooth, nothing to do with milk lol


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Runamok black tea goes very well with milk and is a good alternative to coffee. Sometimes I put a bit of honey into black coffee, but most of the time I drink it with milk.
In my opinion, there is no alternative for milk. Milk is milk. Cream is a decent alternative to milk. Nut/rice/oak water isn't.
I've tried rice drink, oat drink, soy drink and almond milk to date. Almond milk is tolerable to drink by itself at room temperature, but undrinkable in coffe. Rice and soy is just vile.
There is nothing like milk and I'm prepared to die on that hill :yell:


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
I of course understand that not every one can drink milk without taking certain steps, or not at all. I also know that many people don't drink milk because of beliefs or ethical reasons. All fine and dandy. No problems on my side. Plant drinks have their place.
But I don't like when soy/nut/rice/oat drinks are advertised as "plant milk". No, it's not milk. It's a type of drink at best. Stop making it sound like it's comparable. It isn't. It's only similar in as that you can drink it, or pour it into something else. But I can also drink whisky and pour it into my coffee to make life better. Maybe I can not bake with it, but the principle is the same. Or maybe I can. I don't know. Would have to try.
I love eating tofu or seitan. It still isn't a meat alternative.


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Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 445
Pea protein is one of my most triggering foods - gives me intense back pain and makes me throw up!

I don't use regular dairy milk often, but it is a part of my diet when I need it. I tend to just use plain water if I need liquid for protein powder, and I almost never eat cereal. However, if I want a sweet liquid treat, oat milk by the brand Rise is amazing (specifically their chocolate version and their vanilla version - the plain is really not great). I also occasionally enjoy dark chocolate almond milk by Silk. I've had Caschew milk before (I think?) but it was just like slightly flavored water and not great.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 604
Hmm... My favorite milk alternative is almond coconut milk, with a 2/1 ratio... For extra protein, make the almond milk with almond butter instead of almonds, then strain the little bits though a fine cloth. You get more flavor punch and nutrients... Not to mention it's more filling because the oils in the nut butter provide a fatty richness. If that's not enough, you can always blend in a scoop of protein powder...


from Arkansas
Posts: 24
"Sometimes the why is more important than the action."
@Nihopaloa I have always wondered how do you milk a plant? How do you milk an almond?

I cannot have milk either and have to take steps to consume certain dairy products. Other dairy I cannot consume at all, makes me very ill. So I do understand your point. THere are things I must miss out on because of it. However, I agree as a cook and baker there are no really good replacements for milk and its ability in food preparation. There are some substitutes that do well in certain dishes. There are some things I simply cannot make for my family at all because it must contain milk or milk products.

I have found some substitutes for milk for us to use. If you have these products where you are you should try them. Kefir is really good. Acidophilus milk is also good. Powdered buttermilk is good to put in baked goods. Lactose Free milk and halk & half are also good options. I have used oat milk creamer and nut pods creamer for my coffee and I like them.


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Paladin from Texas, USA
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"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
@MamaBear My understanding of 'milking' soybeans, nuts, and oats is that you crush them a bit to increase the surface area, then soak them to 'milk out' the flavor and nutrients. Strain out the solids and evaporate off some water, and you got plant milk.

My guts tend to mutiny when I eat dairy, so I pretty much use unflavored soy milk for everything - coffee, tea, cereal, everything. I like soy-based yogurt, too. The taste and texture isn't the same as dairy milk, and I don't really drink it alone, but it's mild and close enough when mixed with other flavors that I don't really miss dairy.

Soy milk cooks really nicely, too! I sub it in to milk-based soups (NOT cream-based, it definitely isn't rich enough to carry those flavors), and I use it in baking. The biggest difference I notice there is that things tend to brown up faster than when I use dairy milk. Soy milk makes a gorgeous pie crust! :LOL: