Please add IOS app


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 737
@daverakes11 I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier. We have long debated the value of an iOS app. We decided, some time ago against it. The App Store charges an annual fee for listing apps, it also charges to publish them in the first instance. The fee is fairly significant and we're a non-profit organization. Everything we do is delivered to our audience at no cost to them. The on-going expenses of an App Store listing are prohibitive for us. We always struggle with funding and it makes more sense, always, to put our resources in the development of this site and its content to benefit as many people as possible. The site is, obviously, accessible through any device, including iPhones and iPads and each page has additional resources that we normally don't include in our ads so the experience of DAREBEE is always richer as a web page. This is why we won't develop an iOS app. I am sorry but I hope this has helped you understand the reasons at least.