Square one - Day 7 & 8

John Doe

Hero Posts: 11
Remembering to exercise is difficult, I've barley been managing to get up and do it when I finally remember at night. I just snooze my alarm until the last minute, meaning getting a session in is too close to messing up my work schedule. Will need to play with wake up timing.

Day 7 was difficult as the leg work caused me 2 charlie horses in a row an hour or so that same night as I was sleeping. I thought I had enough stretching and mobility to do it when I was moving throughout my day earlier but I guess I need to dedicate a few to limbering up.

Day 8 was my closest day to falling asleep and missing session. It was upper body again and was pretty difficult keeping my arms up throughout but I Managed.


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Shaman from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Just found out you replied to my post, my mistake. Did not realize I could just open a single log
It takes a while to get used to the forum but here you can do whatever you want and it's fine anyway :)