Sub for Burpees

The problem with Burpees is that it isn't a single exercise, but rather five exercises combined into one single motion. To do them properly, you must break them down into steps:

  1. Go down on a Squat and place palms on the floor.
  2. Jump outwards, pushing your feet back, into a Plank position.
  3. Lower yourself and go up. That's the Push-up.
  4. Once you're back into a Plank position, jump inwards, into the Squat with palms on the floor.
  5. Propel yourself upwards to do a jump. That's 1 Rep. Go back to step 1 and repeat the process.

This type of breakdown can be seen (barely) in the Power Burpee workout, with the exception that Power Burpee adds more than just a Push-up. The No Burpees (Trust Me) workout is, in fact, Burpees...


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Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
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The problem with Burpees is that it isn't a single exercise, but rather five exercises combined into one single motion. To do them properly, you must break them down into steps:

  1. Go down on a Squat and place palms on the floor.
  2. Jump outwards, pushing your feet back, into a Plank position.
  3. Lower yourself and go up. That's the Push-up.
  4. Once you're back into a Plank position, jump inwards, into the Squat with palms on the floor.
  5. Propel yourself upwards to do a jump. That's 1 Rep. Go back to step 1 and repeat the process.

This type of breakdown can be seen (barely) in the Power Burpee workout, with the exception that Power Burpee adds more than just a Push-up. The No Burpees (Trust Me) workout is, in fact, Burpees, but they are completely hidden because you're doing the exercises that make up a Burpee instead:

Now, as for the replacement, I'm afraid to tell you that there are no replacement for Burpees. Do not panic, though, because you can modify the exercise by making it easier: remove the Push-up from step 3 and you're good to go. You can make them even easier by removing the Jump from step 5, and instead, simply stand up like coming back from a Squat. When Royal H. Burpee invented the exercise, his instructions didn't have the Push-up from Step 3 and the Jump from Step 5.

If you still can't do it, my suggestion would be to switch to a different program that's easier, or doesn't have Burpees on it. Remember, Burpees might be an exercise, but they still are considered an endurance test, therefore, you can build yourself up to them. The Impact challenge helps with them. It's thanks to that challenge that I'm able to do 100 Burpees in one workout on an almost semi-daily basis.

You can always check The Bioneer's video on Burpees if you want more information about making them easier and building up to them:



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from COSprings/CentralTX
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I only do Basic Burpees (demonstrated in video link), which is what @Sólveig described.
Do not panic, though, because you can modify the exercise by making it easier: remove the Push-up from step 3 and you're good to go. You can make them even easier by removing the Jump from step 5, and instead, simply stand up like coming back from a Squat. When Royal H. Burpee invented the exercise, his instructions didn't have the Push-up from Step 3 and the Jump from Step 5.


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Mystic from R'lyeh
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Hi, Zdan. I'm in the same boat. I "don't do" burpees. I remember one day in the boxing program where part of the daily workout included sets of 40 burpees. I completed the day, but rushed my way through the burpees with bad form. I just tried to get it over with. Bad idea. I completed the program at least, but I didn't really enjoy it.

In retrospect, what would have been better for me and maybe you as well is to use a progressive approach:

* First complete the daily sessions using Royal Burpees only. Use Royal B's throughout the entire program.
* Then, when the 30 day program is over, redo the burpee days only but use more difficult forms of burpees. For instance, 6 count military burpees (see YouTube videos on this).
* Then if you want, maybe do the burpee days over yet again, but doing even more advanced ones -- like the ones in the video Sólveig posted.

I hope this helps.
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