What good thing happened to you today?


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 492
I feel some positivity could go a long way!

I'll start:

I was having a really rough night tonight. But then I went to the gym for half an hour. Very grateful it's open 24/7. I then went on a short drive to a gas station a couple miles away and got sparkling water. I stayed in the car listening to a song for a few moments, then went back inside. My little trip outside improved my mood and made my night better. I am grateful that I reached for exercising and getting out of the house instead of trying to console myself with food! Darebee is partially to thank for helping me change my mentality and coping skills! I feel lighter


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 140
I saw an email today at work in regards to the gym at work being reopened to staff starting October 1, 2022. :gotthis:

It has a shared use between staff and clients (I work at a Long Term Care/ Rehabilitation Centre) - staff don't have access to the area during treatment periods which run from 8:00am to 12:00 pm and then 1:00pm - 4::00 pm on Mondays to Fridays. There is a reasonable fee to use the area, which is well worth having the access to equipment and getting a decent workout before starting the work day.

It's been a long 30 months without having access to this area.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 236
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Not necessarily today, but a few good things over the last few months. Those of you who still remember me will be able to make sense of some of this :D

Since mid July I´m officialy two years cancer free and there´s no signs yet that it may come back. Yet... On 14th of September I had my practical exam to finish my training as a landscaper. And I failed. In two out of 7 points. But I´m finally free! Free of my hated job, free of my annoying colleagues, free of the root of all evil in my life. Well, more or less. I´ll go to the make-up exam in February, do those two things I failed and hopefully graduate. And I was allowed to keep the work clothes :D Most are of course completely worn out, but the winter parka and rain jacket are still great. And really really expensive if I bought them myself ;)

I got accepted by an University in August. Never actually thought I´d make it. Next week is the first introductionary class. I´m not actually sure, but I feel like this is the first thing in my life that I actually wanted to do and even though my A-Levels were, well, bad (barely passed) and I didn´t meet the usual standards of qualification, I got accepted. So next week I´ll start going to University to become a landscape architect.

Also in July I went to the first actual festival in, puh, 5 years or so? It was marvellous, absolutely marvellous. Didn´t really knew the folks I camped with, but after we discovered most of us were total nerds we got along swimmingly. Bad thing was I got infected with Covid, but eh. Shit happens. Can´t really do more to protect myself than get vaccinated as often as the government let´s me.

I´m finally getting back into shape after Covid, too. Before I used to take 30-45 minutes for my daily walk, depending on how often I had to stop to change the music :D Directly after Covid it took me 3 hours to walk the same route. Right now I´m back to around 45/50 minutes :)

Sorry that this post is so friggin long, but a lot of good things happened. Lot of bad stuff too, but why dwell on it? As Monty Python said so fittingly: Always look on the bright site of life. :)


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 492
@legolo Congratulations on being cancer free. I can't imagine how great that feels :heart: Thank you for sharing so much good news in here!

~ ~

Good news: My new ant colony is doing well. I'm new to keeping ants (just got these guys a week or two ago), and the other day I was horrified to find that two of my ants had drowned because I put too much honey in there for them, and the "gourmet cricket" I gave them fermented and made the whole tube smell of alcohol. My queen thus hadn't eaten in a very long time. I was worried she and the workers would all die.
But I gave them regular crickets, cleaned up their tube, and there have been no further deaths. The queen is happily alive and wiggling around in there!

Life is looking up for me in general. The past two weeks have been some of the best weeks of my adult life. I also started seeing a guy recently who is kind and makes me feel appreciated. I enjoy his company and am glad we're getting along well.

I recently rekindled an old friendship I had, and this friendship is going well too :heart:


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from U.S.
Posts: 122
"Back again…let’s all keep this going!"
I finally started DareBee again Sat 1 Oct and got another log in yay. Was a ‘regular‘ here in 2020 as “wsmc27”, too much busy in 2021 and this year, ugh. Turning it around.

A good thing. Wishing you all well

Go Bees GO!


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Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
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"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I sold my violin to one of my party members a week ago. Today, when I arrived to his house before we played D&D, I was surprised to listen to him playing on his own. He told me it's been three days since he started, and he does sound a whole lot better than me back when I played it. I sucked at it so bad...

After coming home, I went back to his place with the violin books that I could find, and gave them to him. He's going to have more use for them than I.

I don't know. It brings me joy to see that today.


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 492
I have a silly-sounding one.

I have a blow dryer which has been around in the family for at least 20 years. It's a wonderful blow dryer. I have developed sentimental attachment to it. Back when I lived with my mom, we said that this thing would live forever. I took it with me when I moved out, and it's been by my side, keeping my hair nice and dry.

It was with dismay that I tried turning it on a couple days ago and got...Nothing. No air. Not even an ounce of noise. I refused to believe this, and I continued trying to turn it on to no avail. I put it back up and hoped that maybe a few days' time would allow for it to magically start working again.

So just now, I plugged it back in...Nothing. Tried the other socket in the bathroom. Nothing. Debated Googling "how to fix a blow dryer". Decided, as a last, desperate measure, to take it to a socket in my bedroom.

...Success! My blow dryer was blowing strong as ever! It's the sockets in the bathroom that stopped working, not my blow dryer! This blow dryer lives to dry another day. No clue how or why the sockets don't work though, that sure is odd.


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 492
Went to the kitchen to make a sandwich. My roommate was making chicken wings, and she offered me to help myself. These may be the best chicken wings I've ever had. Wow. Much better than the boring sandwich I would've had!


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 492
Just feeling good right now. Not in a lot of pain. Content with my friendships. Been getting into some really cool games. Dating a guy who is a breath of fresh air. (The last one I talked about in this thread ended up being not great.) Keeping the apartment clean and getting adult stuff situated. Glad my recent rough patch ended.


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 492
I finally got around to asking my roommate to clean up some. I've been so anxious about it for months now, but the stress of how dirty the environment was was really getting to me. She said she will, and I can only hope it's true - but regardless, I'm proud of myself for being able to bring it up!


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
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Posts: 2,443
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Helped someone out with his computer; very basic stuff. He wanted to get into BIOS to activate virtualization, but it was password protected. At first he was very afraid of opening up the case, but he ended up doing it and breaking into the BIOS by removing the CMOS battery and placing it back in. He also ended up learning how to properly dust the computer, so it all ended up much better than he expected. There was a weird noise that disappeared after dusting everything up.


New member
Posts: 4
Today I ordered a pizza and went to pick it up from the place. But when I got there, I realized that I had forgotten my wallet and bank card at home. I found some money in my pockets, but I was still three dollars short. I thought for a long time about what to do and decided to walk up to the girl, asking her to give me three dollars, and in return, I would drop six dollars from my card on her card. She smiled at me, just gave me three dollars, and walked away. It made me feel so good to know that there are kind people in this world who don't ask for anything in return.


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 492
It hasn't happened yet, but I'm going to a concert tonight. We Came As Romans! I first heard about them 13 years ago! I'm so excited. It'll be the first metal concert I've gone to since I was 13. I only got back into heavy metal about 4 months ago.


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 492
A friend gave us tickets to a play of sorts, Boom X. A one man act with visuals and many quick costume changes the theme Generation X. Lots of music and he did all the voice. Mainly a Canadian view of the 70's to 1995.

Looks great! I'm a millennial, but I'd be interested in going to that just to experience the culture of it!


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 492
I made myself do a lot of things I'd been putting off. Cleaning my room. Moving my cat's litter box and food into the living room. Went to the bank. Ordered groceries + household necessities. Did some reading for school and completed more of my online training for my upcoming job. Sent in the payment for my school. Paid off a parking ticket.

I do feel better now.


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 492
Lots of good things happened in the past 24 hours

• My roommate's mom left!
Finally got my wisdom teeth removed today! In no pain!
• Someone helped me realize that I've been too restrictive with my food choices - Basically, I need to calm the heck down and let myself enjoy food sometimes; it's possible that one of the reasons my binging has been so easily triggered lately is because I deprive myself too much from goodies. I need to live a little, lol
• Talked to my roommate about a misunderstanding; we resolved a little tension. I can breathe a little easier around her now.
• My cat was silly today


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,443
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
The final Qi Gong movement of today left us laying down on the floor. I was supposed to close my eyes, but instead, I remained there, looking at the sky. The clouds were beautiful. Even the vulture that flew really high up, and then joined the others that circled around some pile of garbage far from where we were. It's been such a long time since I looked into the sky like that and just enjoyed the clouds moving. Doing it after Qi Gong was unreal.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,150
The final Qi Gong movement of today left us laying down on the floor. I was supposed to close my eyes, but instead, I remained there, looking at the sky. The clouds were beautiful. Even the vulture that flew really high up, and then joined the others that circled around some pile of garbage far from where we were. It's been such a long time since I looked into the sky like that and just enjoyed the clouds moving. Doing it after Qi Gong was unreal.
Reminds me why Miyazaki always (or near-always?) has a cloud-watching scene in his animes :)