Work out of day variations 😃


Well-known member
Mystic from R'lyeh
Posts: 98
"The wind breathes where it wills and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit"
Here's an idea. Today's work out + involves upper body dumbbell lifts.

Instead of doing all 8 bicep curls, then 8 deltoid lifts, then 8 bicep curls, etc, like discrete sets, do 1 bicep curl and when the weights are lowered to rest, flow immediately into 1 deltoid lift; repeat x7. Do the same blend of exercises combining the bicep curls and chest rows; then do the same with bicep curls into shoulder presses. It keeps the weight in motion longer and increases use of stabilizing muscles to steady the weight.

The idea comes from this workout, among others:

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