Posts: 1
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Currently living in Georgia
originally from Texas
Birthday: Sep 16, 1968 (55)

Latest activity Postings About

    • VLogan reacted to Somalution's post in the thread Darebee Local with Like Like.
      Hello again from a totally FREEZING South Africa :) Us Africans do NOT do cold weather well. We recently celebrated our 50th Darebee...
    • VLogan reacted to Damer's post in the thread Darebee Local with Like Like.
      We can now add one more picture of Nick and his assistant in the workouts, Sharon. And the workouts they have done now are also attached...
    • VLogan reacted to Damer's post in the thread You're The Light with Like Like.
      (Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay) Every day we get emails from many people who find Darebee useful in their life. They come from...
    • VLogan reacted to Damer's post in the thread A Festive Message For 2024 with Like Like.
      This is the time of the the year when traditionally we always say something in The Hive. This year we thought long and hard whether we...
    • VLogan reacted to Lady Celerity's post in the thread AMA Questions? with Like Like.
      I may be in the minority here, but could you address how to get/stay fit as we age? As I've gotten older (58 yrs) I am fitter now than...
    • VLogan reacted to Lady Celerity's post in the thread DAREBEE Recipes with Like Like.
      I love the DAREBEETS website and have made several recipes. My favorite is the coconut chick pea curry. Is it possible to insert a...
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