VLogan's latest activity

  • VLogan
    VLogan reacted to Saffity's post in the thread Snacks & Snack Ideas with Like Like.
    See I'm the opposite, if I make a batch of cookies, the knowledge that they're there digs and itches at my brain until they're gone...
  • VLogan
    VLogan reacted to AquaMarie's post in the thread Snacks & Snack Ideas with Like Like.
    @FlowersandPetals So. Many. Cookies. All the cookies. :LOL::noming: The rule at my house, though, is that if I'm gonna eat cookies...
  • VLogan
    VLogan posted the thread Freezer/Make Ahead Meals in Kitchen.
    I am starting my last semester of school in the middle of January. I want to prep some meals to have for weeks that may have heavy...
  • VLogan
    VLogan reacted to Nyther's post in the thread Why do you exercise? with Love This! Love This!.
    This pretty much sums it up for why I exercise/run.
  • VLogan
    VLogan reacted to Maegaranthelas's post in the thread Hobbies with Love This! Love This!.
    Is it a costume from DA:V? I remember seeing so many costumes in that game that I kinda wanted to wear xD Instead of backing the faux...
  • VLogan
    VLogan reacted to Aldethar's post in the thread Hobbies with Love This! Love This!.
    So I got a bit further with the costume measuring for the binding was a bit hard to get right, and the mitered corners where a pain in...
  • VLogan
    VLogan replied to the thread Simple Training Log.
    And I lost my 30 minutes for 30 days streak. A little bummed. I was on day 23. Had a plan to get it done even though I was getting...
  • VLogan
    VLogan replied to the thread Hobbies.
    I know that feeling well. You got this!!!!
  • VLogan
    VLogan replied to the thread SNOWFIGHT 2024.
    Late to the event, dodged my first snow ball and lobbing 2 :snowball: x 1 @Damer :snowball:x1 @NancyTree
  • VLogan
    VLogan replied to the thread Hobbies.
    Congrats on the straight line accomplishment! It's a basic skill that definitely takes times and patience to perfect. It's been so long...
  • VLogan
    VLogan reacted to Aldethar's post in the thread Hobbies with Like Like.
    @VLogan great advice... and yes it is a learning curve, I did learn how to sew in a perfectly straight line now exactly there where I...
  • VLogan
    VLogan replied to the thread Do you use fitness trackers?.
    My whole family uses Garmin watches, to various extents. My son usually it only to track his runs while doing them but never gets on the...
  • VLogan
    VLogan replied to the thread Hobbies.
    I've sewn on and off for years. My last big costuming project was for my daughter for MomoCon years ago. We made a Zelda. Yep, even with...
  • VLogan
    VLogan reacted to Aldethar's post in the thread Hobbies with Love This! Love This!.
    @NightWolf714 I started with hand sewing dog collars and leashes when I trained them. I stopped at one stage and my tools were gathering...
  • VLogan
    VLogan reacted to Aldethar's post in the thread Hobbies with Like Like.
    So I realized that there are a lot of learning curves when it comes to sewing. And I mean a LOT. As I mentioned I tried making another...