Where to start again


Active member
Posts: 37
Hi bees!
I am hoping someone can give me some input.
I had to stop strength training due to illness. I have a new diagnosis named Morbus Bechterew (Spinal rheumatism). Now I want to get back to strength and taking care of this physical body that I am starting to love, but I have no freaking idea where actually. I stopped while doing the Spartan. So how do I go about figuring out where to start again? My doc appointment to talk possibilities isn't due for another 1,5 weeks. I'd like to do something other than walking in the meantime.
All tips are welcome.
Thank you


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Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 438
"I sing and I know things"
I did some googling, and I have heard of that condition before but by a different name, Ankylosing Spondylitis. It seems to me like keeping your general strength levels up would be really helpful as well as some mobility stuff. HIIT seems like it would be counterproductive, as you want to keep the impact and inflammation low.

Maybe the Square One programme would be a safe place to start? It could be quite easy for you, since you were doing Spartan before you had to stop. Ironborn or Ironheart with low weights could also be a nice way to help your muscles keep your body from falling apart. And a nice yoga workout or 30 days of yoga could help with the mobility.

I wouldn't push it too much before your appointment, but from what I heard, muscle strength will really help you keep going. And you may be able to find more info inline by searching different names for your condition. I believe one of the Try Guys also has it and tried to build strength to combat the pain.

As someone else with a chronic health condition, I wish you all of the luck and health you can find! And if you ever want to chat or need to vent about how hard chronic illness is, my DMs are open. Because it IS hard! But we're not giving up :heartsit:


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 606
@Germanamazon the only real expert on your body is you. So you need to experiment and, because you're experimenting, be willing to spice things up or take them down a notch as you find your level. Beyond walking try some of the upper body strength workouts we have (use our filter to explore some of the options) or some of the low-impact combat ones. We also have some like Quick Mobility that's just over 7 minutes long and will give you an idea of where you're at.

Your mindset is brilliant, just exercise restraint as you explore your levels and don't take going down a notch when necessary as a failure (it isn't!). I hope this helps.