The struggle is real

Fae Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 7
"Trying to form a habit"
I'm currently overweight and have tried too many times to start working out and have given up because of the lack of motivation. I constantly struggle with looking at my body but I won't even do anything about it. Joined Darebee because I feel like I should at least start something.

People I love have made me feel like crap because of the weight I've gained, my clothes keep getting tight, tailors are shocked when taking my measurements, the list goes on. I truly dread going out or being photographed because how horribly I see myself. :sadness:
Anyway. Thanks for listening guys.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 933
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Hello and welcome! :hi:

I was the same way a couple years ago. I promise you that if you commit to trying and really keep at it, you can change it.

It will be hard at first, but over time it does get easier. You have to find what works for you, but I started with Exercise of the day, then added the workout of the day to that. There is also a lot of great information for beginners as well as programs.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,667
Hello, and welcome. Picking one of the easier 30 days program and committing to it could be a good way : we know you can do it and take the habit. One day at a time, one habit at a time! Exercise of the day is good too, and can help you learn the different moves. And start a checking in thread so that other bees can cheer you on ; it does help :) Hugs!


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 73
"The truest SUCCESS is but the development of self."
Henry Rollin's was told by his school PT teacher to not look in the mirror for 3 months. He was told people lose motivation looking in the mirror or weigh too often.

I did gain some weight then lost it by watching my saturated fats and not going over 13g and food cholesterol no more than 200mg, lost 15 lbs just by doing that. I walk a lot, pretty much everywhere and exercise every single day.


Well-known member
Hunter from Alexandria, Egypt
Posts: 66
The sign of success is when you start to complaining. Conitune post here until you feel good and workouts becoming daily habit.

Think of it as a project,
1) create a plan
2) start very small
3) do it daily
4) never think, look at your plan and do it
5) keep post your progression
6) get advices from others (who will give only positive feedback)
7) trust of God

In Darebee, start with programs that you can do it, even it is very easy for you, challenge yourself

Hope this help!
Fae Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 7
"Trying to form a habit"
Hello and welcome! :hi:

I was the same way a couple years ago. I promise you that if you commit to trying and really keep at it, you can change it.

It will be hard at first, but over time it does get easier. You have to find what works for you, but I started with Exercise of the day, then added the workout of the day to that. There is also a lot of great information for beginners as well as programs.
Thank you for the kind words. I did day 1 of the total body workout today, was able to do a few sets less than the recommended but I did it. I'll keep at it
Fae Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 7
"Trying to form a habit"
Hello, and welcome. Picking one of the easier 30 days program and committing to it could be a good way : we know you can do it and take the habit. One day at a time, one habit at a time! Exercise of the day is good too, and can help you learn the different moves. And start a checking in thread so that other bees can cheer you on ; it does help :) Hugs!
Thank youuu ❤️ I'm going to try my hardest.
Fae Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 7
"Trying to form a habit"
The sign of success is when you start to complaining. Conitune post here until you feel good and workouts becoming daily habit.

Think of it as a project,
1) create a plan
2) start very small
3) do it daily
4) never think, look at your plan and do it
5) keep post your progression
6) get advices from others (who will give only positive feedback)
7) trust of God

In Darebee, start with programs that you can do it, even it is very easy for you, challenge yourself

Hope this help!
Thank you. This is great advice! 👏🏾
Fae Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 7
"Trying to form a habit"
Henry Rollin's was told by his school PT teacher to not look in the mirror for 3 months. He was told people lose motivation looking in the mirror or weigh too often.

I did gain some weight then lost it by watching my saturated fats and not going over 13g and food cholesterol no more than 200mg, lost 15 lbs just by doing that. I walk a lot, pretty much everywhere and exercise every single day.
Great great advice ❤️❤️ Thank you for the motivation


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 73
"The truest SUCCESS is but the development of self."
Saturated fats shouldn't go over 22g and keep food cholesterol 300mg, me going 13g sat fat was to lower my cholesterol. You find the foods that are high in these are food that shouldn't be part of your diet but occasional. You still want good fats and carbs, diet should be a permanent change. just needs cleaning up.

What I've read is tracking your food to know your maintenance weight then lower your calories a little about 250 and don't keep lowering coz what you reduce to will be permanent. My daily target is 1879 kcal and max is 2067 kcal, protein is 117.4g, carbs 211.4, fat 62.6g and that maintains 140lb bodyweight.
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