I can't stop comparing myself to others


New member
Posts: 4
First of all, forgive me for my bad English, I'm from Brazil bdw
Anyway, I started going to the gym in February of this year, I never liked it but I felt the need because of my overweight, the environment and the people who go to the gym always made me feel bad about myself, they were always more beautiful and stronger than me, and knowing some people there, I often see people who started before me and have already made much more significant progress than me.
(I always try hard, I go every day I can from Monday to Friday and sometimes on Saturdays, I rarely miss it, and I carry as much weight as I can)
I've always had problems with my body and accepting my results, nothing I do seems pleasant, even if I do my best and maintain consistency It seems that someone will always be able to do much better in less time and with less dedication.
I know the solution to this is to focus on my progression and avoid comparisons, I know I should compare myself to my past self and not someone else, but I just can't


Well-known member
Hunter from Alexandria, Egypt
Posts: 71
make sure you compare yourself today with yourself yesterday. check if there is a progress or not , start slowly be very patient.
if you did not feel any small progression , you need to revisit your workout plans and take advices from your couches.

Or check these Darbee plans


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,979
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
I changed the way I thought about training when I stopped giving importance to (aesthetic) results and focused on how the training I did made me feel.
This article opened a world to me:
Now I train for the pleasure of doing it, for how it makes me feel, for how it benefits my health, for how it allows me to do what I want :)


New member
Posts: 4
Primeiramente, me perdoe pelo meu inglês ruim, eu sou do Brasil bdw

Enfim, comecei a ir à academia em fevereiro deste ano, nunca gostei, mas senti necessidade por conta do meu sobrepeso, do ambiente e das pessoas que frequentam a academia sempre me fizeram sentir mal comigo mesma, elas sempre foram mais bonitas e fortes do que eu, e conhecendo algumas pessoas de lá, costumo ver pessoas que conheceram antes de mim e já fizeram um progresso muito mais significativo do que eu.

(Eu sempre me esforço, vou todos os dias que posso, de segunda a sexta e às vezes aos sábados, raramente falto e carrego o máximo de peso que posso

Sempre tive problemas com meu corpo e aceito meus resultados não faz com que pareça bom, mesmo que eu tente o meu melhor e seja consistente. Parece que alguém sempre será capaz de fazer muito melhor em menos tempo e com menos dedicação.

Eu sei que a solução para isso é focar na minha progressão e evitar comparações, sei que devo me comparar com meu eu passado e não com outra pessoa, mas


make sure you compare yourself today with yourself yesterday. check if there is a progress or not , start slowly be very patient.
if you did not feel any small progression , you need to revisit your workout plans and take advices from your couches.

Or check these Darbee plans
Thank you for the suport, I check my results twice a month, there really is progress, but not as much as I would like, anyway, I will try to be more patient, thank you :)


New member
Posts: 4
I changed the way I thought about training when I stopped giving importance to (aesthetic) results and focused on how the training I did made me feel.
This article opened a world to me:
Now I train for the pleasure of doing it, for how it makes me feel, for how it benefits my health, for how it allows me to do what I want :)
Bro, This helped me a lot, it made me think a lot about it, I really thank you for the recommendation, despite everything, maybe I'll change my training. really, thank you very, very much