The Other Side


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Wed, Aug 14, 2024

AM- awake at 6am (PDT) with alarm to drive 3 hours north to fetch granddaughter from her flight home from Germany. Gotta stop to see husb’s mom on the way. Outside is partly cloudy and 60ish (F) degrees…

Out the door by 8ish to see mom…

Departing mom’s at 10ish…

Check into hotel at 1ish…

Shuttle to SeaTac at 2ish…

Shuttle back to hotel, throw stinky granddaughter into the shower and order room service dinner…

Tv watching while she fell asleep at 8pm from jet lag…


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Thurs, Aug 15, 2024

AM- awake at 6:30ish in the hotel at the airport, prep with granddaughter to drive 3 hours back to daughter’s condo in Portland.

Noonish- back at condo, unpacking the kiddo, doing laundry, resting….

PM- driving across town for back to school night at granddaughter’s new school, FT with daughter then husb

***no actual exercise today, which admittedly was not the best feeling. Time and energy is in short supply at the moment. Hoping to get back on that horse today.🤩🤷🏼


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Fri, Aug 16, 2024

AM- awake at 7am (PDT) to partly cloudy skies, 55 (F)degrees and LOW-MED pollen. Hoping to get more activity than what I’ve been managing, today. But, my daughter has scheduled me all up with stuff again, today, so, who knows.🤷🏼🤞🥴
  • Journaling: x20 mins✅
  • Reading: Ch 5 of Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • Walking: x30 mins✅
  • Nap: x2 hours✅
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Sat, Aug 17, 2024

AM- awake just after 7:30am (PDT) to partly cloudy, 65 (F)degrees and LOW-MED pollen.
  • EotD✅
  • Walking: x30 mins✅
  • House chore✅
  • Deliver granddaughter to her friend’s for a bday party✅
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Fiddle around trying to fetch granddaughter back from her friend’s house✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • Reading: x30 mins of Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Sun, Aug 18, 2024

AM- awake after 8 hours of periodically interrupted sleep….
Outside is mostly cloudy, 59 (F) degrees, with LOW pollen.
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
  • Walking: x30 mins✅

Transport granddaughter to and from another friend’s for play time…
  • DareBee EotD✅
  • DareBee WOD✅
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
Daughter arrived home from AZ school thing…super late night and not a lot of sleep😵‍💫
  • Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Mon, Aug 19, 2024

AM- awake at 7:30am (PDT) after a very late night, with daughter arriving home after 11pm, and she and granddaughter not getting to bed until the super wee hours. So, my sleep was disrupted many times.😩
Outside is partly cloudy, 60 (F) degrees, with LOW- MED pollen….🤧
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
  • Walking: x30 mins✅
  • DareBee EotD✅
  • DareBee WOD✅

Visiting with daughter on the one day she has free….

  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Walking: x20 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Tues, Aug 20, 2024

AM- awake at 6:30am (PDT), with a little more sleep than the prior night, thank the gawds😅
Outside is partly cloudy, 55 (F) degrees, with LOW-MED pollen.
  • Journaling: x15 mins
Stressful morning getting granddaughter up and ready and transporting across town to new school without her mom….

  • Walking: x30 mins✅
  • DareBee EotD✅
  • DareBee WOD✅
  • House chore✅
  • Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Wed, Aug 21, 2024

AM- awake at 7:15am (PDT) after nearly 8 hours’ sleep. Outside is partly cloudy, 59 (F)degrees with LOW-MED pollen🤧
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Ferry granddaughter across town to school while daughter works✅
  • Walking: x30 mins✅
  • Fetch granddaughter from her across town school✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Fri, Aug 23, 2024

AM- awake at 7:30am (PDT) after some trouble getting to sleep and some weird dreams where I was being told that I didn’t have any muscle?!🤯. Outside mostly cloudy, 65 (F)degrees with LOW-MED pollen.
Back to the daily routine!😎
  • Journaling: x20 mins✅
  • Fetch Canoodles from kennel/ ball throwing: x35 mins✅
  • Quilting: x30 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 frontkicks✅
  • DareBee EotD✅
  • DareBee WOD✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Fetch CSA box in town✅
  • Nap: x2 hours✅
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Sat Aug 24, 2024

AM- awake at 7:30ish to partly cloudy skies, 57 (F)degrees and LOW-MED pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • ❌Doggo ball throwing at park…husb did
  • Grocery shopping✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 sidekicks✅
  • DareBee EofD✅
  • DareBee WOD✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
  • Desk work✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Nap: x30 mins✅
  • Doggo walk✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 20 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Sun, Aug 25, 2024

AM- wakened at 5am (PDT) by our upstairs gate slamming by Canoe. After 30-45 mins I got back to sleep and woke up for the day at nearly 7:30😎
Outside is mostly sunny, 55 (F) degrees with LOW pollen.
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅
  • ❌Ball throwing at park: husb did
Noonish- planned REST DAY
  • Several house chores✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Mon, Aug 26, 2024

AM- awake at 7:30am (PDT) after a late night binging The final season of The Umbrella Academy😵‍💫🤪🫣.
Outside is mostly sunny, 60 (F) degrees with LOW-MED pollen.
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • House chore✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 side to side kicks✅
  • Elliptical x25 mins✅
  • Reading: Ch 6 of Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody🫣
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Tues, Aug 27, 2024

AM- awake at 7:15am (PDT) to mostly cloudy skies, wind, 65 (F) degrees, and MED pollen😵‍💫🤧
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • House chore✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 side kicks ✅
  • DareBee EotD✅
  • DareBee WOD✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Quilting: x20 mins✅
  • Front yard ball throwing + short walk: x30 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min Yin practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Wed, Aug 28, 2024

Am- awake just before 7am (PDT) to sun, a little breeze, a little haze, 54 (F)degrees and LOW-MED pollen.🤧
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Session with our dog trainer at a new park: x60 mins✅
  • Journaling:
  • ❌Doggo walk
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: EotD- 30 balance front kicks✅
  • DareBee WOD✅… modified high knees to march steps x7 sets
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Reading: Ch 7 of Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • Nap: x2 hours✅
  • Quilting: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Dinner prep… super tired today, so a long nap was needed, so I got take out for dinner tonight😎
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • House chore✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Thurs, Aug 29, 2024

AM- awake after 6:30am (PDT) to blue sky, sun, 53 (F)degrees with LOW-MED pollen.
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅
  • ❌Park for ball throwing: husb did
  • ❌Doggo to daycare for kennel practice: husb did
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands😎
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 frontkicks✅
  • DareBee EotD✅
  • DareBee WOD✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Lunch with friend✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Fetch doggo from daycare✅
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Front yard ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 30 min restorative practice✅
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Fri, Aug 30, 2024

AM- awake at nearly 7:30am (PDT) to blue sky, sun, 63 (F)degrees and LOW-MED pollen.🤧
  • Yard Clean up✅
  • ❌Canoe ball throwing… husb did
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
Noonish- unplanned REST DAY
  • Quilting: x2 hours✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • House chore✅
  • ❌Dinner prep… husb did
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • Down Dog Yoga: 30 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Sat, Aug 31, 2024

AM- awake at nearly 7:30am (PDT) to clear skies, wind, sun, 60 (F)degrees with LOW-MED pollen🤧
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅
  • ❌Park for ball throwing:husb did
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 front kicks ✅
  • Elliptical: x20 mins✅
  • DareBee EotD✅
  • DareBee WOD✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • House chore✅
  • Quilting: x2 hours✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Sun, Sept 1, 2024

AM- awake shortly after 6am (PDT) to sun, haze, 60 (F)degrees and MED pollen🤧
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
Noonish- planned REST DAY

  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Reading: 20 mins Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Mon, Sept 2, 2024

AM- awake just after 6am (PDT) to clouds, wind, 65 (F)degrees with LOW-MED pollen🤧
  • Yard Clean up✅
  • ❌Canoe ball throwing: husb did at park
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Journaling: x15 mins✅
  • Desk work: x1+ hour✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 sidekicks✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 1: Lower Body Strength with Glute Activation, 24 mins✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Reading: 20 mins Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Tues, Sept 3, 2024

AM- awake at 7am (PDT) after 9 hours of sleep🥳🤩. Outside is partly sunny, breezy, 68 (F)degrees with LOW-MED pollen🤧
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • ❌Park ball throwing: …husb did
  • Yard Clean up: x10 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Reading: 20 mins of Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 back kicks ✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Reading: 60 pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 2: Upper Body Strength Supersets with Cardio Interval Burnouts, 30 mins✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Wed, Sept 4, 2024

AM- awake at 6am (PDT) with an alarm that jolted me out of a dead sleep😵‍💫. Outside is sunny, breezy, 58 (F)degrees with LOW-MED pollen🤧
  • Early dental appt✅
  • Doggo walk: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo to DayCare for kennel practice✅
  • House chore✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 sidekicks✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Journaling:
  • Reading: Ch 8 of Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 3: Bored Easily Bodyweight Cardio with High & Low Impact Mods, 26 mins✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Yard Clean up✅
  • Quilting: x45 mins✅
  • Fetch doggo from Day Care✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Shady front yard ball throwing: x30 mins✅
  • Reading: 30 pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011
  • Down Dog Yoga: 20 min gentle practice✅
  • Doggo walk: x10 mins while doing outside chores✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Thurs, Sept 5, 2024

AM- awake at just before 7am (PDT) after another 9 hour night. I’m tellin ya, with 9 hours, I feel almost human. Not nearly as “on the edge” of rage or tears, and much more able to focus and accomplish. So, after all this life of mine, I figure the keys to my life are: 9 hours a night, at least 30 mins of workout a day, at least one walk, ideally 20-30 min yoga, of course, whole food, some contact with a real person every day (besides husb, he doesn’t count!), and of course adequate plant medicine to keep the pain and anxiety to a dull roar🤯😎Now that I have that sorted, maybe I can get shit done!😅🫣
  • Journaling: x10 mins✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 front kicks ✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • House chore✅
  • Quilting: x20 mins✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 4: Single Weight Upper Body Quick Strength Training Circuit, 23 mins ✅
  • Reading: 20+ pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011✅
  • Shady front yard doggo lounging/occ ball throwing….x30 mins✅. It’s over 95 (F)degrees, so Canoodles is pretty lethargic…
  • Down Dog Yoga: 20 min gentle practice✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on feet (forgotten how much this helps!) ✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Fri, Sept 6, 2024

AM- awake at 7am (PDT) after ANOTHER 9-hour night!😎🥳. Outside, it is 65 (F)degrees with LOW-MED pollen. I feel like getting up at 7 leaves very little cool part of the day, but, I also like feeling less gritchy, so there is definitely a trade off to consider….if those 9 hours are not attainable, I have to take a nap during the heat of the day to add up to 9. ***sigh***
  • Journaling✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 front kicks ✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Quilting: x1+ hour✅
  • CSA box pick up✅
  • House chore✅
  • Reading: 20 mins of Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 5: Sweaty Lower Body Strength with Cardio Intervals, 30 mins✅
  • Reading: 10 pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min gentle practice✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Sat, Sept 7, 2024

AM- awake at nearly 6:30am (PDT) after 8 hours of sleep. Wanting to have some cooler part of the day for outside time with my doggo😏It is already over 70 (F)degrees with smoky haze, and LOW pollen, and my eyes are gravelly again😵‍💫
  • ❌Park for ball throwing…husb did
  • Journaling✅
  • Yard Clean up✅
  • Doggo walk✅
  • House chore✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 6: Relaxing Feel Good Stretches, 20 mins✅
  • Reading: 30+ pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011✅
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Nap✅
  • Doggo walk✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Sun, Sept 8, 2024

AM- awake at 6ish after only 6+ hours of sleep. We had a late night finishing up Season 2 of Slow Horses on Apple + TV. Omg, what a fun spy thriller of a show! I LOVE Gary Oldman in this😂
Outside is super hazy, 71 (F)degrees and LOW pollen.😷
Husb driving 5 hours to his mom’s today😵‍💫
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Journaling✅
  • Meet with younger brother who is in town, my stepmom (brother’s mom) + her husb for brunch✅
Noonish- Planned REST DAY
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Nap: x2 hours!✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Reading: 10 pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011✅
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • ❌House chore
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Doggo walk✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Mon, Sept 9, 2024

AM- awakened at 3:40am hearing rapid gunfire. Canoe was alert but not alarming (barking). Using our camera feed and motion sensor lights, I determined it was *not* in our yard, or against our house, so Canoe and I went back to bed. But, sleep eluded me for well over an hour. I finally slept, until 7:30ish. Awakening to sun, haze, 70 (F)degrees and LOW pollen. Yeesh, another poor night…
  • Doggo swim: x30 mins✅…first time in the lake to fetch a stick and paddle around!✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x30 mins✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Reading: 30 pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011✅
  • Journaling✅
  • Fighting Cancer: EotD- 30 sec side to side backfists✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 8: Intense Lower Body Supersets w/ Bored Easily Burnout Round, 40 mins ✅
  • Nap✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • House chore✅
  • Doggo walk✅
Husb arrived back home from his mom’s. He was anxious hearing about the gunfire incident and decided he needed to be here with me😓
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Tues, Sept 10, 2024

AM- awake at 7am (PDT) after 8.5 hours of sleep. No gunfire in the night, thank the gawds. Husb was quite relieved about that, as well. So, he slept like the nearly-dead. Doggo was pretty gimpy last night, acting like his mouth was sore….maybe from fetching the stick in the water yesterday when I had him go swimming for the first time in his short life 🥹….
Outside, is partly cloudy, 68 (F)degrees, NO smoky haze (yay!), with LOW pollen.
  • Journaling✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing✅
  • Doggo walk✅
  • Spiky ball roll on hands/arms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 side kicks✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • House chore✅
  • Desk work✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 9: Weighted Upper Body Strength Circuits with Bodyweight Intermissions, 32 mins✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Wed, Sept 11, 2024

🇺🇸Remembering those who died on Sept 11, 2001🇺🇸
AM- awake too early at just before 6:30am (PDT). Trouble falling asleep kept me up until at least 11:30, last night.
Outside is a cool 64 (F)degrees, good air quality and LOW pollen🥳
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x40 mins, at park✅
  • Doggo to daycare for kennel practice✅
  • ❌Doggo walk
  • Medical appt✅
  • ❌Journaling
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Reading: X pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
Noonish- discussions with husb wrt his mom…

  • ❌House chore
  • Fetch doggo from daycare✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Nap✅
  • ❌Doggo walk… husb took him to the park for ball throwing
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Thurs, Sept 12, 2024

AM- awake at 7:30am (PDT) to partly sunny skies with LOW pollen.
  • Journaling✅
Husb departed for his mom’s again. She called yesterday in a panic needing “something to be done.” Later in the day, she felt like she was okay until today.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins
  • Spiky ball roll on hands/arms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 frontkicks✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll upper body✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 10: Low Impact Cardio/Core in the Bored-Easily Format, 40 mins✅
  • Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Nap✅
  • House chore✅
  • Doggo walk✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 20 min flexibility✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Reading: X pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011
  • Dinner prep✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Fri, Sept 13, 2024

AM- awake before 7am (PDT) after just short of 8 hours of sleep. Outside is partly cloudy, 66 (F) degrees, with LOW pollen.
  • Journaling✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Spiky ball roll on hands/arms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 backkicks✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll upper body✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 11: Strictly Strength Upper Body Circuits, 45 mins✅
  • Reading: 30 pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011✅
  • Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • Nap✅
  • Fetch CSA box/ throw ball at park: x30 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga 25 min Yin practice✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Dinner prep✅
  • House chore✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Sat, Sept 14, 2024

AM- awake around 7:30am (PDT) to mostly clouds, 61 (F)degrees, and LOW pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • Journaling✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Reading: 30+ pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 12: Bored Easily Lower Body HIIT Pilates & Strength, 40 mins✅
  • Nap✅
  • House chore✅
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk✅
Husb arrived home from mom’s; says she wouldn’t come with him but didn’t want him to leave😓
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Sun, Sept 15, 2024

AM- awake at 7:45am (PDT) after nearly 9 hours of sleep, yay🤩. Outside is partly cloudy, breezy, 62 (F)degrees, with LOW pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Journaling✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 13: Gentle Total Body Restorative Yoga Flow 30 mins✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Quilting: x1.5 hours✅
  • ❌Doggo walk…husb did
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • Reading: 10 pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Mon, Sept 16, 2024

AM- woke up at 7:30am (PDT) after just shy of 9 hours of sleep🤩
Outside is partly cloudy, 66 (F) degrees with LOW pollen🥳
  • Journaling✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Spiky ball roll on hands/arms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 50 sidekicks✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll upper body✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Lawn mowing + allergy mitigation: x2 hours
  • Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Quilting: x1.5 hour✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011
  • House chore✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • ❌Doggo walk… husb did
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,411
Wed, Sept 18, 2024

AM- awake at 7:10am (PDT) after nearly 9 hours of sleep. It was interrupted a couple times by Canoe, but, I was able to sleep thru, regardless.🥳
Outside is partly cloudy, breezy, 55 (F)degrees with LOW pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo to daycare for kennel practice✅
  • FB JumpStart, Day 15: Bored Easily Kickboxing, Kettlebell, and Core,40 mins✅
  • NYT puzzle page✅
  • Visit stepmom’s doggo✅
  • House chore✅
  • Reading: 10 pages The Fifth Witness, by Michael Connelly, 2011✅
  • Fetch doggo from daycare✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Reading: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and The Breaking of America, (Kindle), by Maggie Haberman, 2022
  • ❌Dinner prep… husb did
  • Doggo walk✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • Journaling✅