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Well-known member
Sorceress from Munich, Germany
Posts: 65
"When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama"
Soma 40+ day 9 is finished. I only did level I because the calf is, well, not still hurting, but it did feel a little stiff and did not want to risk anything. I'm already looking at challenges or whatever to add, but I'll take it slow as I tend to bite off more than I can chew sometimes. Also, december is approaching, which is always a crazy time of year.

Otherwise, I did not take the girls swimming as I had planned because the pool closest to us is closed and I was too lazy to take them via public transport (which would take about an hour one way) and did not feel like using the bike because that still takes about 45 minutes and there's snow on the ground. So we just had a "relaxed" day at home (I cleaned the kitchen and washed the windows) and baked the first Christmas cookies. Decorating event will follow tomorrow.


Well-known member
Sorceress from Munich, Germany
Posts: 65
"When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama"
So, I did Soma 40+ day 10 on sunday, but last night I just went to bed really early and tonight I will not do any Darebee because I went to yoga class this morning. The day was very hectic - doctor's appointment with the older kid and taking the little one along because a lot of the people at her kindergarten are sick and they were asking parents to pick the kids up early if possible. Then we went and finally bought a winter jacket and new socks (yes, I know, I've been feeling like a somewhat negligent mother) but not any of the Frozen jewellery or unicorn accessories on sale (this caused quite a lot of stress, but I stayed strong). So, a stressful day, but worth it. Oh, and I made baked cauliflower for dinner and both girls ate it and said they liked it. That never happens, so a pretty good day in my book.


Well-known member
Sorceress from Munich, Germany
Posts: 65
"When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama"
Hi there! I was sick with a cold for a week, unfortunately, and then had another week of being just too tired to work out. But yesterday I managed day 16 of Soma 40+ and it felt just great. Things are very hectic right now, with a lot of Christmasy things with the kids scheduled very short-term, and then I changed internet providers and ended up spending almost a whole workday googling and then talking to support getting stuff to work. But there's only one week to go and then I will have a break and the whole world will stop scheduling stuff and expecting things to be done "this year".

So I'm more or less back on the wagon. I made my lectures sweet and short today and my plan for this week is to take it easy whenever possible.

I also just noticed the christmas tree ornament challenge. As I'm on the train, I'll have to postpone starting to do my push-ups. But I want that cocoa. So we'll see how it works out.


Well-known member
Sorceress from Munich, Germany
Posts: 65
"When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama"
We'll reserve one for you. Let me know when you are done :happy:
Awww, that totally made my evening!

I did it - as 200 regular push-ups would have a) been pretty much impossible in one night, and b) led to DOMS to the point of making yoga impossible tomorrow I did them inclined or on my knees. But I'm off to the Christmas Tree thread right now and then to bed.


Well-known member
Sorceress from Munich, Germany
Posts: 65
"When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama"
So I did Soma 40+, Day 17 today. I still have pretty much full-body DOMS from yoga on tuesday. (There was a time when I thought of yoga as the "soft option", but not anymore.) I had a lot of fun with the Snowfight today and now I'm really tired and will go to bed. Good night, dear fellow bees! :night:


Well-known member
Sorceress from Munich, Germany
Posts: 65
"When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama"
Just did Soma 40+ day 18. That means I really only skipped two weeks. It felt like a lot more somehow. We spent Christmas at my parents' house, which meant train travel there and back. This really stressed me out beforehand because we had some really bad experiences in the last few years, but lo and behold, we were on time going there and only like 25 minutes late coming back (no problem as it was a direct connection), so that was good. Christmas itself was very nice, very relaxed. We got to see my grandma who is 93 and she played Uno with my oldest daughter, my mom and myself. That's such a gift. I mean, not many people can say that they played games with their great-grandmother. (I'm not sure how much Omi is enjoying being 93 in a body not really built to last that long. She tires easily and needs increasingly more help in daily life. But her mind is definitely all there.)

So Christmas accounts for a few days of skipped workouts, even more so as my mom had a cold and more or less gave it to the three of us as well. With the girls, it was coughing and one day of running a temperature, while I was coughing but otherwise fine at first and then started feeling like s*** on the 30th when we had been back home for a few days. So the girls ended up staying with their dad for five nights straight (longer than ever before) and I just went from bed to couch to kitchen chair for a few days. Just a cold, but a mean one. But I'm well on the mend now. The girls returned yesterday, and today we went ice skating - the very first time for them, and the first time in decades for me. This was one of those moments when being a single parent is a challenge. I mean, I do have two hands. But I'm not really stable enough on skates myself to have a teetering kid holding on for dear life on each of them. Luckily, at some point we scored one of the little seal-shaped things they had that you can push across the ice to stabilize yourself, so we were fine and the girls did make progress - even though neither skated without holding on to something. They do want to go back tomorrow, so I guess it was a win.

So now I'm hoping for a relaxed, fun and productive (household-wise) weekend, and then we have a holiday on monday and therefore a short first week back into everything. Could be worse. Also, given the ice skating, the whole going-to-bed thing went pretty well tonight :) I'm hoping to go back to almost-daily workouts now.