Search results

  1. Grace Ward

    It takes 21-28 days to form a habit. February has 29 days!

    February is the PERFECT month to form a habit to improve something fitness/health related. Is anyone implementing a February change? :approve:
  2. Grace Ward

    Heartbeat Connection & Lake Cities

    For 2024, I shared DAREBEE with the Heartbeat Connection - Fitness + Community page and the Lake Cities Run Walk Group to encourage those 3,000 members to be a part of the Hive! How many people are here from those two groups and are now loving this fantastic DAREBEE community as well? We are...
  3. Grace Ward

    I just started taking a recovery drink

    Although I have been working out for over 40 years, can you believe I have never taken a recovery drink!? But I just took this course on nutrition, and it was very interesting. So off to the Vitamin Shoppe I went. Not interested in anything with sugar - wish everything didn't have to taste sweet...
  4. Grace Ward

    WOW! I am so sore. Started the 90-days of ACTION on Sunday

    As you may know from my previous posts, I love to run and was excited to be adding the Darbee workouts to my daily routine. I am doing the 90-Days of ACTION and am so sore! Wait, what? But I am so active, how can I be so sore. Well, CLEARLY, I needed to work all these other muscles. Excited to...
  5. Grace Ward

    2024 will be GREAT!

    You have all been so welcoming to me over the past few months. This weekend I will be introducing a group of people to Darbee. I know they will love Darbee, and you, as much as I do. Each and every area of this platform is the highest quality content. The skills and talents of those who work...
  6. Grace Ward

    Expect some new faces

    You have all been so welcoming to me over the past few months. This weekend I will be introducing a group of people to Darbee. I know they will love Darbee, and you, as much as I do. Each and every area of this platform is the highest quality content. The skills and talents of those who work...
  7. Grace Ward

    A rising tide lifts all boats

    Hi, I have been in fitness for over 40 years. A trainer back in the day when Aerobics became more popular than Calisthenics. Although the corporate world pulled away from my gym career, I never strayed far. Always working out, but my passion became running. It was 30 years ago, while running on...
  8. Grace Ward

    Anyone doing a Turkey Trot for Thanksgiving?
