Back Into It


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
Used to post on here awhile ago, but life happened. Determined to get back into exercising regularly. I was running 10 miles every other day and looking to get back to where I was. Looking promising so far. Just posting again to hold myself accountable.

8/1: 3.16miles with an average pace of 8:36min/mi



Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/2: Rest Day

8/3: Started including high reps (for me) low weight arm/chest work outs before and after my run. Figure running counts as leg day.

15lb 20 rep bicep curls each arm
30lb 20 rep laying pec curls (no idea what they're actually called)
30lb 20 rep bench press
25lb 20 rep over head triceps lifts (I think that's what they're called)

3.2 mi @ 8:20 min/mi (I slightly increased my speed every 1/4 mi to get that average. Started at 8:30 and ended on 8 flat.

Repeat arm/chest work outs minus 5 reps.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/4: Rest Day

8/5: The wheels fell off on this run.

My normal pre run arm/chest workout with the addition of 30lbs 20 rep shrugs.

2.34mi run @ 8:18 min/mi

Finished with the same arm/chest workout as above but kept it to 20 reps.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/10: Had four rare days off in a row. So, I was lazy. Decided to start back with a program

Avatar Upgrade: Card 1 done @ 3 sets. Gravity +++ added at 15lbs each arm. Had to resort to half renegades (knees on floor). Had to use weights to simulate the pull ups. Could only pull half my weight at a time.

I also thought I would add my run as well. I got .01 miles before my body told me otherwise.

Not suitable for beginners indeed.
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Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/12: Avatar Upgrade Card 3 @5 sets

Thinking because this card is all legs and I'm a runner, I can knock this out easy. At the 3rd set, I was still thinking that. Set 4, I began to doubt myself. After the 5th set my knees started to buckle when I walked. Decided to stop there.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/13: Avatar Upgrade Card 4 @ 5 sets.

Definitely needed this stretch day. Minus the side lunges, it was a good recovery workout. During the arm grip holds I got to narcissisticly look at my, minor, arm gains in the mirror. Hey, it's something.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/14: Avatar Upgrade Card 5 @ 3 sets

Oh look, lunges. What was yesterday? Lunges! Day before? Lunges! Tomorrow? Probably lunges!

Ok, enough belly aching. I really struggled on the planks into lunges and sit outs, but, I slowly did them. Some half assed, but most full assed.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/15: Avatar Upgrade Card 6 @ 3 sets with Gravity +++.

No lunges! This workout felt really good. It was tough, but I feel accomplished. I was able to do full renegade rows. 15lbs each arms for curls and rows. 10lbs each for the punches.

I did have to do half my weight for the pull ups, but was able to do 5 at a time instead of 2 like last time.

Slowly but surley.

Quote I Am Serious GIF by Top 100 Movie Quotes of All Time
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Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/16: Avatar Upgrade Card 7 @ 3 Sets

I went into today feeling a lot better. I was "I know I worked out" sore, but not "overdid it" sore like I have been. So, I took that as improvement.

I struggled on about half the butt-ups, but pulled through. The lunges didn't even upset me, too much.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/17: Thought I might end up biting off more than I can chew with the confidence in my fitness ability today. However, I managed to pull through.

EOD: 50 leg swings

Avatar Upgrade Card 8 @ 7 Sets

WotD: Thunderbolt @ 3 Sets (this kicked my ass)

Forge Master @15lb dumbells
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Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/20: Lazy day. I have lost 5lbs since starting back working out though. So, not a bad day.

8/21: EotD: 50 Knee Strikes

Avatar Upgrade Card 11 @3 Sets with Gravity +++. 15lb dumbells and pull ups using weights. Tricep extensions wrecked me.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/22: EotD: Balance Hold. 60sec, both sides.

Avatar Upgrade Card 12 @ 7 Sets. The pushup and tricep hold kicked my ass on an otherwise calm workout.

WotD: Selkie @ 7 Sets

Ran 20 mins @ 8.31 min/mi


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/24: EotD: 10 Stacked Push Ups

Avatar Upgrade Card 14 @ 3 (rough) sets

I don't feel good about today's workout. The elbow planks annihilated me. Even breaking them up into 30 secs with a break in between wasn't enough.

On the plus side, I'm down another pound. Baby steps.

Bill Murray Nw GIF


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/27: Avatar Upgrade Card 16 @ 5 Sets.

Forgot to do the Gravity +++ yesterday. So, added it today. 15lb dumbells and pull ups using weights.

Nice slow burn workout today. Feeling good about it.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
8/31: Avatar Upgrade Card 19 @ 3 sets

9/01: EotD 30 sec Side Jack's

Avatar Upgrade Card 20 @ 7 sets

September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 1

WotD Chapter 1 @ 7 sets

The Avatar Upgrade was all stretching, so I upped my workouts. Never would have thought Jumping Jacks would tire me out.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
9/03: EotD: 50 Balance Leg Swings

Avatar Upgrade Card 22 @ 3 Sets

September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 3 in one go

Yesterday it was the pushups. Today I was thankful for them as it felt like a rest between the jumps.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
9/04: EotD: 30 Plank Leg Raises

Avatar Upgrade Card 23 @ 3 Sets

September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 4: Squat Hold

@Fremen You are right. Squat Holds are more difficult than the Wall Sits. I've done 30 sec Sits and been ok. 25 sec on the Holds and my legs started to shake.
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Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,882
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
@Fremen You are right. Squat Holds are more difficult than the Wall Sits. I've done 30 sec Sits and been ok. 25 sec on the Holds and my legs started to shake.
I discovered it too by trying it :LOL:


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
9/05: EotD: 30 Toe Tap Hops

Avatar Upgrade Card 24 @ 7 sets

September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 5: 40 Squats in one go.

WotD: Super Abs
(Those heel taps are no joke. Glad it was only 10)

Bigger Arms. 15lbs each arm for the first two exercises. 10lbs on the Lateral Raises and down to 5lbs on the Forward Raises. Those last two were tough.

Very ambitious day, but made it through and down another pound. That's 7 since starting this journey!


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
9/07 - 9/08: Two lazy days

9/09: EotD: 30 sec Side to Side Backfists

Avatar Upgrade Card 26 @ 7 Sets

September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 7 & 8: 45 Squats (in one go) & 35 sec Squat Hold

I enjoyed this Card. It got me sweating, but not feeling exhausted.
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Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
09/10: EotD: 20 Plank Crunches

Avatar Upgrade Card 27 @ 3 Sets
Forgot Gravity +++ yesterday, so added it today. 15lb dumbells ending the last set with 25lbs. Pull ups using weights.

September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 9 & 10: 50 Squats (in one go) & 40 sec Squat Holds.

Screw high knees.


Active member
Samurai from USA, GA
Posts: 37
"They say your body is a temple. Mine is a fast moving dumpster."
9/11: Off Day

9/12: EotD: 30 sec Superman Strech Hold

September Challenge 1,000 Squats Day 11 & 12: 55 Squats (in one go) & 45 sec Squat Hold

Avatar Upgrade Card 28 @ 7 Sets

WotD: Upperbody Tendon Strength
(Those clenches are no joke)

Forge Master @ 15lb dumbells