Coping with seasonal depression


Bard from Maryland
Pronouns: they/them
Posts: 23
"I just needed to get that off my chest"
Disclaimer: I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder since I was ten or eleven, but I do not, as far as I know, have seasonal affective disorder. I just wanted to say that up front to avoid misleading anyone.

I have a good deal of personal experience with depression, and even though I am much better at managing my symptoms now than I was as a child, I find that those no-energy days seem to come more frequently in the dark winter months.
So, I wanted to start this thread where we can all talk about how we handle this, share advice, and perhaps vent a bit—whether you have a diagnosed mental illness, suspect you may have an undiagnosed one, or just experience the “winter blues.” All are welcome.


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Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 758
Hey Dragonbuddy. I'm sorry that you're going through this, I completely understand given how my depression tends to get S P I C Y (peppermint flavored, maybe?) this time of year.

A rule I go by is, "do what you can." And be proud, if you can, of what you did. Even if it is small. Right now, the two of us are playing on hard mode. We ought to take the smallest victories and treat them as they're the equivalent to a Nobel Prize - As we should, frankly. But that requires us to do a small victory every day. Whatever that may be is up to you - Maybe you're a writer, and you were able to write 100 words despite how you feel. That's amazing! Even if the 100 words sucked, you still did it.

A victory doesn't have to be groundbreaking. A victory can be anything that makes you say, "I did that."

And honestly just... Talking to people on here is helpful. This community is so lovely and kind.

One more thing - Do not feel ashamed of your coping mechanisms. One way I coped when my grandmother passed in 2017 was playing a lot of Skyrim and Dragon Ball: Xenoverse. Skyrim is just cozy and Xenoverse gave me quick quests to do that I could say "oh hey, I did it!" when I completed them. If it isn't a detrimental mechanism, then go for it.

We love you, Dragonbuddy.


New member
Posts: 4
Disclaimer: I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder since I was ten or eleven, but I do not, as far as I know, have seasonal affective disorder. I just wanted to say that up front to avoid misleading anyone.

I have a good deal of personal experience with depression, and even though I am much better at managing my symptoms now than I was as a child, I find that those no-energy days seem to come more frequently in the dark winter months.
So, I wanted to start this thread where we can all talk about how we handle this, share advice, and perhaps vent a bit—whether you have a diagnosed mental illness, suspect you may have an undiagnosed one, or just experience the “winter blues.” All are welcome.
I'm wondering if humans aren't "wired" to want to hibernate. I'm going to start a new Darebee program...can workout indoors and warm myself up. But in the winter I want to sleep more, and more reluctant to want to do fun things, crave more carbs, etc.


Active member
Jedi from United States
Posts: 32
"May The Force Be With You!"
Disclaimer: I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder since I was ten or eleven, but I do not, as far as I know, have seasonal affective disorder. I just wanted to say that up front to avoid misleading anyone.

I have a good deal of personal experience with depression, and even though I am much better at managing my symptoms now than I was as a child, I find that those no-energy days seem to come more frequently in the dark winter months.
So, I wanted to start this thread where we can all talk about how we handle this, share advice, and perhaps vent a bit—whether you have a diagnosed mental illness, suspect you may have an undiagnosed one, or just experience the “winter blues.” All are welcome.


Sorry to hear about your disorder, I might not be able to relate to what your are going through as I have never been diagnosed or even seen a therapist, yet I had my fair share of depression during my life time, which I think most humans do as well; when life throws itself on us randomly and we do not know how to handle it...

My story started when I lost my best friend as he passed away in a car accident, I was 12 at the time, it felt so weird to lose someone so close to you and also your age, I kind of tried to make peace with it but then like 10 yeas later (maybe less) to make matters worse right after I finished collage 2 of my collage best friends passed away in a car accent as well, they were both in the same car when another car hit them, at the same time my girlfriend (who I was plaining to marry) broke up with me and I was living by myself with no relatives or friends around me when all that happened, I quit my job and did drink a lot at the time and also smoked a lot of weed, I felt that it was helping my depression at the time, but it was just detaching me from realty day after day!

During the next 20 years I kind of slowed down on drinking, but weed was my daily drug of choice! I was a daily weed and cigarette smoker, I then lost my father to lung cancer during the 2020 covid closure and due to traveling restrictions ban I was unable to travel to be there at his funeral which meant no closure for me! it drew me back to smoking more weed! I was a living example of depression itself! a year after I noticed that I have been living my life like a leaf in the wind, just trembling and moving side to side wherever the wind (life) takes me!

I decided to put an end to all this and focus more on my life, I quite smoking, drinking, sugar, coffee, nicotine, and adopted a healthy diet, then started to workout, it wasn't easy at all but I knew it was the right thing to do! and decided to keep doing it! it made me feel much better! as my mood swings disappeared but depression was still there!

It was like there was still something missing, my body was feeling great but my soul was still lacking something! I felt like a void was inside of me, that I needed something more spiritual than physical! Its was then that I reverted back to the source! my creator! the creator of everything! and started to follow my religion as a Muslim who before that did not practice my faith at all... I started to pray 5 times a day as our faith commands us to do, it turns out there was a reason for it; its not God who needed the prayer, its us humans who need to do that to cure our souls! it was not easy at the beginning as you need to wash and do a especial cleansing then do the 5 min prayer in which I disconnect from my past and future and focus on the present 5 times a day!

During which I thank the creator for his blessings and ask for guidance and forgiveness! I cannot explain how awesome it feels and how it removes any depression! I have now made peace with myself, my past, my future, and my fate, nothing no matter how big or small, bad or good affects me or shake my feelings or belief, I know its hard to imagine, but doing this 5 times a day (more if I can) will fight any depression or bad feelings/vibes that I had.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not calling you to worship God if its not your thing, I am just explaining to you how doing this 5 times a day for 5 mins each where you focus on the present, disconnect from your past, and don't think about the future! because the past always brings sadness and the future always brings fear of what's to come! when you focus on the present only it calms the sprit and soul down, removes depression, and gives peace throughout the day! Its so similar to doing meditation, think of it as a mandatory meditation set at specific times during the day, which you cant skip! one before the crack of dawn, one early after noon, one late after noon, one at sunset, and once at night time! no medication needed, no drugs, no therapists, just pure meditation! I wish I knew about this earlier in my life, it would have made everything better, but as the song says: you live you learn! and that's the only advice I can give to anyone who is feeling depressed or lost in life, try to practice this meditation 5 times a day at specific times that I mentioned above and also realize that everyone in this life has a purpose, if your not sure what your purpose in life is revert back to the source and ask him for guidance you will be amazed.

I hope this helps you in anyway! and I wish peace upon you in this life and the one after!
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