Fortune favours the bold


New member
Rogue from Poland
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 3
"Fall down seven times, stand up eight"
So I didn't login for a while, which was long enough for the forum to migrate and all... Cool! Since then my life has also been turned upside down, but after dealing with the most pressing matters, the time has come for me to come back to regular strength training and in general getting in shape . My last old forum recap:

Thank you all!!!

May 31st - June 6th 2-2022

Weekly average weight:
95 kg (- 2kg) Yes, I went back to 97 in two weeks, thank you dear thyroid... But crap's solved now, moving on.

The Gauntlet: day 17
From walking to running: day 9

+ daily dares, WODs

:v: Monthly Darebee donation

Daily workouts streak: 105 days

Journal entry:
One week since new meal plan, a bit over a week of running. Feeling surprisingly good o.O I would like now to systematize my workout plan - WODs are nice, but they feel a bit chaotic. I need to look into Gauntlet's split, see how can I make it work with the walking to running challenge. To make it harder, I'll have a lot of traveling back and forth in the upcoming weeks, +exams. Organizing this will be... Fun.

------ LONG TERM GOALS -----
:v: 30 days of workouts streak
:v: 60 days of workouts streak
:v: 100 days of workouts streak
:x: 1 year of workouts streak

:x: Run 1km Kind of difficult to tell with the walking to running challenge... So I'll officially consider this as completed when I'm done with the challenge

:x: Loose 5kg of fat
:x: 7 days of daily book reading This shouldn't be that hard

Have a great week, everyone!

So to provide with a closure and start with a clean slate, I indeed failed at organizing everything XD However I did get into running and hit my first 5k in summer, and life was demanding enough for me to drop some fat (not necessarily weight, but I do see a difference physically. My daily workout streak must have broken somewhere around 110 days, and since then I have unfortunately come to the conclusion that my current lifestyle does not allow daily workouts, although I do get at least one walk a day (apart from walking to get stuff done) thanks to my dog.

So, what would my new goals be?

------ LONG TERM GOALS -----
:x: 1 week of 3x/week workouts workouts streak
:x: 3 weeks of 3x/week workouts workouts streak
:x: 6 weeks of 3x/week workouts workouts streak
:x: 10 weeks of 3x/week workouts workouts streak

:x: Get BMI down to "overweight" Although I did loose the 5kg mentionned

:x: 1 week of 3x/week "me time" (minimum 0.5h at a time) Did I mention I've also grown into something close to workaholism? XD
:x: 3 weeks of 3x/week "me time" (minimum 0.5h at a time)
If I manage to get this far, I might try to increase that amount.

Things have changed a bit, but what I like about life is that when it kicks you hard, you usually learn something from it. So here I am! Expect weekly (or every other) updates, although I do not yet know what form they'll take.

:gstar:60 days Bootcamp: day 2

See you around!


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome to the New Hive :)