New to HIIT Workouts


New member
Posts: 2
Hi I’m new and have just completed day #5 on your 30 Days of HIIT program.

Do you do one level only or all 3 levels?

I have been doing level 1, then level 2, and level 3 all in the same workout.

This is right?!
No, that is not right, however, good for you on doing all three levels in one workout! Nonetheless, is not wise, and probably risky.

No, those levels that appear in the picture are levels of difficulty. Level I being the easiest while Level III is the hardest. You can check the Manual for more information about it. You may also take the Fitness Test in order to have an idea about what level of difficulty suits you the best for workouts, programs, and challenges with different levels of difficulty.


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Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
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"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
No, that is not right, however, good for you on doing all three levels in one workout! Nonetheless, is not wise, and probably risky.

No, those levels that appear in the picture are levels of difficulty. Level I being the easiest while Level III is the hardest. You can check the Manual for more information about it. You may also take the Fitness Test in order to have an idea about what level of difficulty suits you the best for workouts, programs, and challenges with different levels of difficulty.