Pushups and shoulder issues


New member
Posts: 1
I've always struggled with pushups. I started with wall pushups, made some gains, then moved the hand placement lower to increase difficulty while increasing reps as well. But I ultimate fail at floor pushups - my shoulder gives out and I'm in pain (not sore) for 2 weeks. Then I start again at a higher hand placement. The cycle starts, I progress, fail, regress, progress and fail, over and over.
Any suggestions? Thanks!


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,979
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
A couple of ideas come to mind:
- also do weight exercises to strengthen your shoulders since that is your weak point,
- try some push-up variations to see if there is one that causes you less problems,
- do not do more than one push-up (or at least a few) at a time so as to always maintain the most perfect form possible and never get to the point where your muscles or joints hurt.
For example, I have problems with wide-grip push-ups because my right shoulder hurts.
I tried several variations but in the end the regular push-ups with my hands shoulder-width apart were the ones that gave me the least problems.
It's just my opinion :)


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,867
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Additionally, be careful not to flare your elbows out; keep them tucked in closer to your body, around 45 degrees. Check that your shoulders are down and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you descend.
When you do floor push-ups, are you trying to do full push-ups or are you on your knees? If on your knees, it is very easy to end up with your hands higher than your shoulders and that can put strain where you don't want it. Lean forward a little so that your hands are always under your shoulders.