The Journey Continues


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
50 lunges (right), +5lbs
Split squats:

Left: 5 sets
Set 1: 5 reps, +2lbs
Set 2: 5 reps, +3lbs
Set 3: 5 reps, +5lbs
Set 4: 5 reps, +6lbs
Set 5: 5 reps, +4lbs
Right: 3 sets of 5, bodyweight
I am dropping the two challenges... I have enough going on and they don't fit into my current training. The plan is to keep doing the single-leg split squats twice a week until I get to 11 or 12 lbs. Then do the step up challenge with that weight to build a strength foundation.

I got to 6lbs today and that's already better than I expected.
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
Leg Day Everyday, day 2
Squat hold torso twists
with 2kg weight, 3x8
Dumbbell hold, 10lbs fat grip:
• 3 positions, 20 secs each
• 3 sets, 20 secs rest between sets
The challenge of this month actually fits my training pretty well. Whatever the time was for day 1 yesterday I should have meet the requirement.


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
Leg Day Everyday, day 3
, 1min40secs lunges, 30 reps +3lbs
kendo solo, 2 moves, 110 and 200 reps
I had 8 days sober till yesterday and then I broke the streak today. It just feels so long, but I guess it's not for those who don't drink or drink beneath the level of heavy drinkers...


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
Leg Day Everyday, day 5, 40 secs
Leg day:

Left: 6 sets split squats
Set 1: 10 reps, +0lbs
Set 2: 5 reps, +3lbs
Set 3: 5 reps, +5lbs
Set 4: 5 reps, +7lbs
Set 5: 5 reps, +5lbs
Set 6: 5 reps, +3lbs
Right: 100 reps of things
1. 10 lunges +3lbs (from challenge)
2. 10, 5, 10 lunges +7lbs
3. 30 reverse lunges + step ups, +7lbs
4. 3x10 split squats, +0lbs
(probably 5 more reps here and there)
The split squat is the no-nonsense real deal for the legs. That's really all I need to build serious quad strength, besides lunges for stability. I am almost there with the exercise on my right side.
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
I did a few more sets of split squats on my left:
Set 1: 5 reps, +0lbs, 5 reps, 2lbs
Set 2: 8 reps, +4lbs
Set 3: 8 reps, +6lbs
Set 4: 6 reps, +8lbs
Set 5: 8 reps, +6lbs
I feel like I have got this and reaching 12lbs in no time.

75 left single-leg split squats in total today!


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
5 wrist strengthening exercises
with a filled bottle
Gripper: 8, 5, 5
Wrist stretches
I kinda wanted bigger forearms, so I tried the typical curls found on fitness websites. It's too many exercises for me and they were quite tedious. I was mentally exhausted, and recording them was a pretty tedious task, too. Gripper was fun but it seemed not doing much for increasing forearm size.

Next time I might make my own wrist roller next time so I have this one exercise, which is more fun, to rely on besides the Gripper and dumbbell hold I have been doing.


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
Leg Day Everyday, day 7, 20 secs
Leg day:

5 sets of single-leg split squats:
Set 1: 8 reps, +7lbs
Set 2: 8 reps, +5lbs
Set 3: 8 reps, +9lbs
Set 4: 8 reps, +12lbs
Set 5: 8 reps, +12lbs
I was moving my arms just slowly for momentum but other than that I did the squats nicely, and I got to 12lbs!
3 sets of 10 lunges, +7lbs, knee safe
5 sets of 10 split squats: +0lbs, 3lbs, 7lbs, 3lbs, 0lbs
Lunges were done nicely. Cheated on the split squats... I was so far away...


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
Leg Day Everyday, day 8
Mission Possible
, with EC and mostly 20 secs rest between sets, time saving
My hamstring got tired after the Mission Possible workout, and I did all the punches with my left arm. My right elbow got a blow yesterday and needed some rest.


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
- Tendons and Core
- Leg Day Everyday, day 9, 1min20secs
- A few split squats and deep squats attempts
Forearm (left only):
- 3 min dumbbell hold (2kg fat grip), rotating between 3 positions, 20 secs each time
- Gripper: 10, 8, 8 (30sec rest between sets)
The bruise noticeably reduced after a day of proper care, and I think not drinking really made a difference. It's healing so much faster. But I would still need a few more days before returning to full activities. Now straightening the elbow gives me pain.
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Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 491
Greetings fellow "Journey" thread title-er!

I'm glad you're noticing some healthy side effects of not drinking. It's a new success every time you're able to take a step back from the alcohol. It's normal to fall off the wagon sometimes, but the most important thing is to keep moving forward and to have as many good days as you can.

Keep up the good work! Heal up soon! :vibes:


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
Leg Day Everyday, day 11, 1min20 secs
Push Pull Leg (Leg) A,
various rest time, using mostly the 10lbs pair
Single-leg split squats after 1 set of PPL globet squats
Knee raises, 3x10 each side, +8lbs
Split squats details:
Left, 4 sets of 10:
Set 1: +0lbs
Then 3 sets of 10, +12lbs
Right, 4 sets of 10:
Set 1: +0lbs
Set 2: 5 inches elevated, +0lbs
Set 3: 5 inches elevated, +6lbs
Set 4: 5 inches elevated, +12lbs
For the split squats I tried out several techniques, including leaning the body and the knee forward more, having the weight in front a little bit, foot fully planted, and pushing from the ground a bit as I came up.

With the above techniques during the 12 lbs sets on the left I managed to come up from a completely still position without the help from momentum. I could feel the whole quads working hard. I was not sure if I rounded my lower back but it was probably not at its best posture. Other than that it's pretty solid.

I was applying the same techniques during my right side, but I also used momentum, and the squats were elevated. It's all fine because they were variables that I was familiar with and had control over for future progression.

It became obvious that the hip side of my legs were too weak to hold myself upright as I descend, so I had to lean forward during the squats. I added some weighted knee raises at the end and hopefully that would help.

Ankle mobility is lacking, not sure about abs... The lesson is I need to start working on other things to make it happen. :LOL:
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Did some running and walking with a friend this afternoon! It's about 1 mile run and 1 mile walk. I got right knee pain pretty soon. Then I tensed my leg and glutes and the pain went away but that didn't last very long, either. Changing posture and stuff helped a bit, too.

My legs didn't even get much tired, with all the leg workout this morning, nor my cardio exhausted. It's really just my knee.

I actually ran more than I thought I should...
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Leg Day Everyday, day 12
40 leg raises with 8lbs ankle weight
A couple split squats

Since the quads does knee extentions, I imagined straightening my knee as I came up from 90 degree split squat position. The attempt then made a little push through the foot against the ground. I tried hard having my toes filmly pressed the ground so that the pushing force could happen through the toes, too.

This technique definitely helped. It's another puzzle piece for doing the squat. The leg/knee raises helped, too. I could feel how my hip joint got stronger or activated to do the job, which made myself more stable as I came up.

Can't wait the leg day tomorrow!
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
Leg Day Everyday, day 13,
1 min 40 secs

Lowerbody day:
1. Split squats round #1:

Left side:
3 sets of 10 with various height and weight combinations
Right side:
3 sets of 10, +0lbs, +9lbs, +20lbs, 6 inches elevated
2. 3 sets of 20 standing leg raises, 8lbs ankle weight
3. Split squats round #2:

Left side:
Set 1: 10 reps, +24lbs, 2 inches elevated
Set 2: 10 reps, +14lbs, no elevation
Right side:
Set 1: 10 reps, +0lbs, 4 inches elevated
Set 2: 10 reps, +9lbs, 4 inches elevated
4. Lunges (right side only), 3 sets of 10, +13lbs, knee safe
5. Squat hold lowerbody/ fullbody twist, 100 reps
I surely reached one of my training goals: right side lunges with 13lbs and knee tracking right. They were perfectly done, and came pretty easy.

If I am not too harsh I can count another one, which is left side split squating 12lbs. 14lbs was what I did but I felt like I could do better on the posture, such as leaning forward less.

Let's say 1 goal reached!
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
@Mianevem @Tileenah Thanks!

Extra evening session:

I did a couple split squats again in the evening. This time I tried engaging my butt as well, even my hamstrings a little bit. It immediately solved my problem of leaning forward too much, and I got a much more upright posture.

I was really satisfied with my execution this time. I was also carrying 0 to 14lbs of weight. The only thing was that the squats were slightly elevated... but I have already done a ton today, so that's okay.

I did 3 sets of this workout with 8lbs ankle weight, but just the first two rows during 2nd and 3rd set. This micro addition really turn today's training into a wholesome lowerbody day with side and back plane exercises of the legs. I planned to reserve this for next time but then I thought why not today? It rounded things up so nicely.
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Leg Day Everyday, day 16
Mission Possible
with EC, 20 sec rest between sets, and suburi instead of punches, but only about 3 sets of forward bends.
I got some knee pain during the forward bends, weird. Maybe my muscles were tight?


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
Leg Day Everyday, day 17
, 20 secs lunges
Lower Abs, day 1, +1 set
Stronger Legs, lvl1, +8lbs ankle weights
Foam rolled the quads, too, painful! Didn't do much but at least if I start doing it more frequently it's better than nothing and should help.

I had a bit of knee pain when I did leg raises for the challenge. Then I bent my legs a little bit and the pain went away. It's probably really tight.
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Morning Stretch
Leg Day Everyday, day 18
Lower Abs, day 1
, -1 set
Lower Abs, day 2, -1 set
Forearm (left only):
- Gripper: 14, 14, 14
Redid Day 1 of the Lower Abs challenge because I did the wrong exercise yesterday. :sus:
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Leg Day Everyday, day 18, 19
Lower Abs, day 3,
-1 set
Lower Abs, day 4, +1 set
Lowerbody training:
1. Lunges (right side), +23lbs, 3x10
2. Split squats:
- Left side: 3 sets of 10, +14lbs
- Right side: 3 sets of 10, +8lbs, 4 inches elevated
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
8 weeks to 5k, day 1
Leg Day Everyday, day 20
Lower Abs, day 5, +1 set
Gripper (left hand): 16, 16, 16
Not sure how the 5k program will go, I just start anyway. I ran with a knee brace and finished the 2 sets of 2 mins without knee pain. :angel:
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Leg Day Everyday, day 21, 40 secs
Lower Abs, day 6, -1 set
@Tileenah @NancyTree @Mianevem Thanks! Knee pain was a huge reason why I didn't start running sooner.

I don't think I am going to follow all the days of the 5k program because I have been doing a lot of other training already, especially lowerbody ones. As long as I make the 5k at the end I will be all fine.
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Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Long Run, day 1
Cardio before Breakfast, day 1
Leg Day Everyday, day 22
Lower Abs, day 7, +1 set
I think I am capable at taking something slightly harder than the 5k program, and I really want to up my cardio game in the next 20 days.

So I switched to the Long Run program and add a cardio challenge. Long Run also fits with my training workout schedule better than 5k.


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
I hurt my toe a few days ago and I am still taking rest. I hated how I got injured after finally taking real action to start running again... :mad:

On the other hand I have my drinking under decent control recently. I still drink every few days mostly for social reason but I am able to stop early and for most of the time not go drinking again the next day. Even when I do it's just 1 or 2 drinks.

I know I am not out of the danger zone yet, and I certainly won't underestimate the power of the addiction, nor believe my self control to be stronger. They don't even remotely match. I have simply reached a point where the craving and all the crap have become pretty mild that I am able to contain it. Still it's not always easy and I can go down the spiral again at any time. I need to keep moving forward and get out of this ASAP. I want a longer sober streak, anyway.


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Also today:
Hard Reset Strength, day 1, with 2kg dumbbell
100 single-hand (left) suburi with pull-up bar, split into 5 sets of 20.
I realized the bike workout could count as Hard Reset Cardio day 1, so I decided to couple it with the Strength one. I knew it wouldn't last very long but I just did it.

According to the usual Darebee way, it's probably 3 reps per side when it says 6 upright rows/ lateral raises/ shoulder press, and so on, but I am not sure...

Interestingly I managed to do the heavy suburi, like, relatively fine. I am not sure if it has to do with me been eating a LOT more food recently than before when I was drinking daily, and they are not even particularly heavy in protein. Or if it's because I have done the strength workout right before the suburis, or other reasons such as the gripper.

This strength seems to come pretty suddenly. I do single-hand suburi every now and then with the shinai but I have never seen much improvement in strength.


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
@BetaCorvi Thanks! That makes perfect sense! 3 reps per side are indeed too little. Next time I will go for 6 when it says 6. :happy:

Hard Reset Cardio, day 2, 12 minutes walk plus 8 mins elliptical
10 floors of stairs (5 floors twice), with a 10 to 12 lbs backpack
I was inspired by the 23 floors of stairs machine workout by @Fitato so I decided to challenge myself a little bit with stairs. Walking 10 floors was on my list anyway.

According to my stair walking record I SUCKED, so I thought I would be done close to death by 5 floors so at first I decided to walk just that amount. I was also wearing a 12lbs backpack. It turned out that I got just a little winded and my legs a little bit tired. :glee: I was quite surprised, and I walked another five floors later on (10mins later I guess?)

I definitely had more physical activities besides the 20 mins easy cardio and the stairs. I was also surprised by how tiring elliptical could be. It's not even a fancy electronic device, just a bodyweight equipment, but my legs got tired after that 8 mins.


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 491
@kandy AWESOME job. The stair machine I use lets me rest my hands on the heartrate monitor, and I do rest a lot of my body weight on it each time. I wouldn't be able to climb 23 floors in a row without that handicap. Especially not with 12 pounds of extra weight on my back! You did awesome. I'm also very glad you found some inspiration from me. It helps motivate me too to see that we're in this together.


Keep on being great!


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 176
Hard Reset Cardio, day 3
Hard Reset Strength, day 3, hard! Just tried my best to hold the poses till the timer was up.
@Fitato Thanks! :happy: Your effort was admirable and I respect that! Let's keep it up together and do it!

I am not entirely off alcohol yet but still see some benefits. I am getting stronger physically and better mentally, have more energy, and feel more positive.

I guess eating more food contributes to those, too, actually a lot more food to the point where I feel like I have a problem. But I know probably not.

I am still trying to quit drinking completely but I know it's not the best idea to push too far too quick. But that's my goal, where I can truly be my best.